Generalized attoparsec with cats
Default (and sane) configurations for Scalafmt
A tiny utility library to add self documenting capabilities to akka http routes testing.
A Scala client for beanstalkd, based on Finagle RPC framework.
A Scio extension that allows SPARQL to query a collection of triples
A library to parse Jenkins-like cron specifications with H symbols.
An SBT plugin for scraml
Scala implementation of base32 and base32check1
Scala DSL for yabai configuration
Scala Native implementation for java.time in JDK8
Fetches weather observations from the Australian Bureau of Metorology
Cron scheduler for zio
🛄 JSON Web Tokens / JWT (RFC 7519) in Scala
Scala Future wrappers for all AWS SDK Async clients
Scala-Spark port of for Apache Spark LDA Topic Modelling Visualisation
Yet another option parser for Scala