Catch effect is a small library that facilitates MTL-like programs, without the need for monad transformers, but just an effect type like IO
Catch effect is built on top of Vault, which is a map that can hold values of different types.
"io.github.valdemargr" %% "catch-effect" % "0.1.2"
Context can create instances of Local
provides the ability to run an effect given some input and modify the input.
The MTL counterpart of Context
is Kleisli
, (A => F[B]
for the uninitiated).
is a building block for the more interesting Catch
sturcture described below.
If you are using cats-effect
and you are familiar with IOLocal
, then Context
should be feel familiar.
You can construct an instance of Context
in various ways, here is one using cats-effect
Context.ioContext: IO[Context[IO]]
When you have an instance of Context
in scope, new Local
instances can be spawned on the fly.
type Auth = String
def authorizedRoute(L: Local[IO, Auth]): IO[Unit] =
for {
user <- L.ask
_ <- Console[IO].println(s"doing user op with $user")
_ <- L.local{
L.ask.flatMap{ user =>
Console[IO].println(s"doing admin operation with $user")
}(_ => "admin")
user <- L.ask
_ <- Console[IO].println(s"doing user op with $user again")
} yield ()
def run(C: Context[IO]): IO[Unit] =
Running the program yields:
Context.ioContext.flatMap(C => run(C))
// doing user op with user
// doing admin operation with admin
// doing user op with user again
There are several other ways to construct Context
in the case that you are not working in IO
For instance, if you are working in Kleisli
a natural implementation exists.
Context.kleisli[IO]: Context[Kleisli[IO, Vault, *]]
Or for any instance of Local[F, Vault]
implicit lazy val L: Local[IO, Vault] = ???
is responsible for throwing and catching errors.
The MTL counterpart of Catch
is EitherT
can introduce new ad-hoc error channels that are independent of eachother.
There are various ways to construct a catch, but the simplest (given that you're working in cats-effect
) is the following.
Catch.ioCatch: IO[Catch[IO]]
If you work in IO
, the usage of Catch
becomes simpler.
provides a utility to immediately create a Handle
sealed trait UserError
case object WeakPassword extends UserError
def verifyUser(password: String)(R: Raise[IO, UserError]): IO[Unit] =
for {
_ <- Console[IO].println("verifying user")
_ <- R.raiseIf(WeakPassword)(password.length < 8)
_ <- Console[IO].println("user verified")
} yield ()
Running the program yields:
// verifying user
// verifying user
// user verified
// (Left(WeakPassword),Right(()))
With an instance of Catch
in scope, you can create locally scoped domain-specific errors.
sealed trait DomainError
case object MissingData extends DomainError
def domainFunction[F[_]: Console](R: Raise[F, DomainError])(implicit F: Async[F]) =
for {
xs <- F.delay((0 to 10).toList)
_ <- R.raiseIf(MissingData)(xs.nonEmpty)
_ <- Console[F].println("Firing the missiles!")
} yield ()
def doDomainEffect[F[_]: Catch: Async: Console]: F[Unit] =
case Left(MissingData) => Console[F].println("Missing data!")
case Right(()) => Console[F].println("Success!")
Running this program yields:
Catch.ioCatch.flatMap(implicit C => doDomainEffect[IO])
// Missing data!
, Raise
and Handle
instances are well behaved when nested and can raise errors on their completely isolated error channels.
's API can also facilitate parallel gathering of errors, like EitherT
's Parallel
trait CreateUserError
case object InvalidEmail extends CreateUserError
case object InvalidPassword extends CreateUserError
def createUser[F[_]: Console: Sync](idx: Int)(R: Raise[F, CreateUserError]): F[Unit] =
for {
_ <- R.raiseIf(InvalidEmail)(idx % 2 == 0)
_ <- R.raiseIf(InvalidPassword)(true)
_ <- Console[F].println(s"Created user!")
} yield ()
def createUserBatch[F[_]: Console: Sync: Catch]: F[Unit] =
Catch[F].use[List[CreateUserError]]{ implicit H =>
val one = H.contramap[CreateUserError](List(_))
implicit val P: Parallel[F] = H.accumulatingParallelForApplicative
(0 to 10).toList.parTraverse(createUser[F](_)(one))
case Left(errors) => Console[F].println(s"Errors: ${ => "\n// " + x.toString()).mkString("")}")
case Right(_) => Console[F].println("Success!")
Running the program yields:
Catch.ioCatch.flatMap(implicit C => createUserBatch[IO])
// Errors:
// InvalidEmail
// InvalidPassword
// InvalidEmail
// InvalidPassword
// InvalidEmail
// InvalidPassword
// InvalidEmail
// InvalidPassword
// InvalidEmail
// InvalidPassword
// InvalidEmail
builds uppon cancellation of effects.
As such, any invocation of raise
(or it's other variants) must not occur in an uncancelable
This is usually not an issue for most (if not all) applications, but must be respected regardless.
// Raise cannot cancel itself when in an uncancelable block
IOCatch[String](r => IO.uncancelable(_ => r.raise("error")))
- Catch can occur for an instance of
Handle[F, Vault]
(orEitherT[F, Vault, A]
) - Catch can occur for an instance of
Local[F, Vault]
(orKleisli[F, Vault, A]
) andConcurrent[F]
via cancellation
An interestingly, you can in fact construct Catch
if you have Context
and Concurrent
import org.typelevel.vault._
trait MyError
def example[F[_]: Context: Concurrent] =
Context[F].use(Vault.empty){ implicit L =>
Catch.fromLocal[F].use[MyError]{ implicit R =>
Like any resources, the structures defined in this library are only well-behaved within a scope. Use outside of their scope is considered an error and will be detected (like a resource leak).
Consider the following examples that lead to errors.
def catchError(ctch: Catch[IO]) =
ctch.use[String](x => IO(x)).flatMap{ e =>
e.traverse(_.raise("Oh no!"))
def contextError(ctx: Context[IO]) =
ctx.use("initial")(x => IO(x)).flatMap{ L =>
Running the Catch example:
// catcheffect.Catch$RaisedWithoutHandler: I think you might have a resource leak.
// You are trying to raise at,
// but this operation occured outside of the scope of the handler.
// Either widen the scope of your handler or don't leak the algebra.
// The handler was defined at
And then then Context example:
// catcheffect.Context$NoHandlerInScope: A Local operator was invoked outside of it's handler.
// The Local operator was invoked at
// The handler for this Local instance was defined at
// You may have leaked the Local algebra by accident.
// This can be casued by functions of similar form as the following.
// ```
// trait Algebra[F[_]] {
// def doSomething: F[Unit]
// }
// def make[F[_]](loc: Local[F, A]): F[Algebra[F]] = ???
// // ...
// Context[F].use(initialValue) { loc =>
// make[F](loc)
// }.flatMap(algebra => algebra.doSomething)
// ```
// Either move your handler further out.
// ```
// Context[F].use(initialValue) { loc =>
// make[F](loc)
// .flatMap(algebra => algebra.doSomething)
// }
// ```
// Or use the low-level `Context[F].allocated` method.
// ```
// Context[F].allocated[A].flatMap { loc =>
// val fk = loc.setK(initialValue)
// fk {
// make[F](loc).mapK(fk)
// }
// }.flatMap(algebra => algebra.doSomething)
// ```