Common scala utilities
A pattern for safe usage of resources. Acts as a Factory and a disposer of instances of a type.
Scalacheck instances for scala-xml
Google Spreadsheets datasource for SparkSQL and DataFrames
Scala client for Developmentseed's landsat-api
Gradle plugin for scalastyle
A Mill plugin for Minecraft Development
Cornichon - Gherkin integration
Java/Scala API for THRON Platform
NIO Library for lightweight networking
sbt plugin for common build settings used at Driver
higher kinded type-polymorphic collections
sbt plugin to create a dependency graph for your project
exporter of numbers, speaks statsd
library for parsing php-serialized data to scala object
Defines interface for pluggable lenses alert services integration, along with some officially supported implementations.
Python AST, parser, and quasiquotes for Scala