driver-oss / sbt-settings   2.0.12

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

sbt plugin for common build settings used at Driver

Scala versions: 2.12
sbt plugins: 1.0

Build Status Scaladex

Common sbt settings

Provides common settings for Scala projects, as they are typically configured at Driver.

sbt-settings is a suite of sbt autoplugins that provide common settings for the scala compiler, testing, linting, formatting, release process, packaging and publication.

Getting started

Adding the following snippet to project/plugins.sbt will make the plugins available:

addSbtPlugin("xyz.driver" % "sbt-settings" % "<latest_tag>")

The next section exlains what plugins are available and which ones are activated out-of-the-box.



Name Enabled
LintPlugin automatic
LibraryPlugin manual
ServicePlugin manual
IntegrationTestPackaging automatic, if ServicePlugin is enabled
WorkspacePlugin automatic

Lint Plugin


  • Includes configuration for scalafmt and scalastyle, modifies the test task to check for formatting and styling.
  • Sets strict compiler flags and treats warnings as errors (with the exception of deprecations).

This plugin can get in the way of developer productivity. If that is the case, it can simply be disabled.

Library Plugin


Common settings for libraries. Sets the project organization and reads version information from git. It also enables overriding the version by setting a VERSION environment variable (which may be useful to do from CI).

Service Plugin


Packages an application as a docker image and provides a way to include internal TLS certificates.

It also includes some utility commands such as start and stop (based on sbt-revolver, to enable rapid local development cycles of applications.

Integration Test Packaging


Augments the packaging configuration of ServicePlugin, to include integration tests in deployed applications images.

Workspace Plugin


Adds a dependsOn extension method to projects, that allows depending on both source and binary versions of a project. It is similar to sbt-sriracha and is intended to increase productivity in multi-project workflows.

Canonical Use Case

sbt-settings provides many plugins, which may be used in various ways. Typically however, a project is either a Library or a Service, and as such, it will enable one of those plugins explicitly. The other plugins will provide general settings for common conventions and are always enabled.

The following provides a typical example for configuring a project as a service called "myservice":

lazy val myservice = project
  .disablePlugins(IntegrationTestPackaging) // we don't need integration tests
  .disablePlugins(LintPlugin) // I don't need style check during development!
  // use published artifact by default, and ../domain-model if SBT_WORKSPACE
  // is defined as ..
  .dependsOn("xyz.driver" %% "domain-model" % "1.2.3", "domain-model")
  .settings( /* custom settings */)

Developing this Plugin

This project is set up to auto-deploy on push. If an annotated tag in the form v<digit>.* is pushed, a new version of this project will be built and published to Maven Central.