Scala Madrill API client.
Scala wrapper for Datafiniti API
Simple smart constructor generation for Scala.
Minimal Scala wrapper for the Mandrill Mail API
Turn akka-http to a RPC server
A micro-library to provide a convenient way of wrapping and unwrapping scala value classes
A simple beautifier for bracket expressions, implemented for, but not limited to, Scala ASTs.
Qiita Scala API client
Concurrent Management of persistent storage for values of arbitrary types
A Scala library for performing retries on actions that might fail.
A facade/wrapper for the Google YOLO JavaScript library
Minimal Regex Matcher in Scala
A Scala client integration for UtlityAPI using Spray.
Stripped down version of ammonite
libffi bindings for Scala Native
common data analysis methods
Translation of OWL 2 RL axioms into Jena rules