A ElasticSearch Rest client wrapper with entities and async with Future
An integration of https://github.com/anshulbajpai/typesafe-ids with https://github.com/playframework/play-json
Implements the most common "recipes" on Consul such as leader election and semaphore
Apache poi scala wrapper
service configuration loader to use with https://github.com/InnovaCo/service-control
in-memory drop-in replacement for java.io.RandomAccessFile (for testing)
GKit is a set of combinator libraries which can ultimately be turned into powerful, composable REST servers.
Adds constructors for Process from iterators.
Idiomatic Scala Driver for ArangoDB
This service provides OpenId Connect related services
A utility for Lift JSON and Scala JSON interop.
Stop JVMs using remote actors
Adaptation of rogue from https://github.com/foursquare/fsqio