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This is a backend microservice for Agent EPAYE Registration, part of interim replacement of OPRA (On-Line Pre-Registration of Agents).

The OPRA system provides a way for PAYE agents (not otherwise known to PAYE systems and therefore without known facts) to obtain a reference number that can be used as a known fact to enable them to register and enrol as a PAYE agent.


  • Agent who needs an Agent PAYE reference code is able to enter its details and can be issued a code
  • Team capturing OPRA data has a way for stored data to be extracted so that it is available to other services

Running the tests

sbt test it/test

Test Coverage

sbt clean coverage test coverageReport

Running the app locally

Start service dependencies with:


And then run the service with:


It should then be listening on port 9445


We're still building this service so some/all of the API described here might not be implemented yet!

Register for an Agent EPAYE reference code

POST /agent-epaye-registration/registrations

Request body:

    "agentName": "<Agent's name>",
    "contactName": "<Agent's contact name",
    "telephoneNumber": "<Agent's telephone number>",
    "faxNumber": "<Agent's fax number>",
    "emailAddress": "<Agent's email address>",
    "address": {
        "addressLine1": "<Agent's address line 1>",
        "addressLine2": "<Agent's address line 2>",
        "addressLine3": "<Agent's address line 3>",
        "addressLine4": "<Agent's address line 4>",
        "postCode": "<Agent's postcode>"

Possible responses:


    "payeAgentReference": "<New Agent EPAYE reference code>"

Bad Request

    "errors": [
            "code": "<ERROR_CODE>",
            "message": "<Error message>"

This endpoint validates the json input and returns Bad Request with a collection of error codes and messages for invalid input. An example of error code is MISSING_FIELD.


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License