Contributing Search
All the projects below have beginner-friendly issues which are great places to start contributing
The standard Scala XML library
- #607 - Name predicates: which XML version?
- #532 - ConstructingParser does not tolerate start of file whitespace
- #528 - CDATA in MarkupParser
- #403 - Unique identifier for the Node instances
- #384 - Cross-refs to JDK 11 broken in Scaladoc 2.13
- #292 - Issue when XML contains Processing Instruction , but no Declaration
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Simple scala library for building and parsing URIs
- #552 - Scala Native support
- #509 - `apexDomain` returns `None` for IDNs and FQDNs
- #479 - Support for RFC 8141
- #468 - Parse percent encoded query parameter using a different charset than UTF-8
- #467 - using `/` on AbsoluteUrl returns a Url
- #466 - Uri.relativize
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Asynchronously writes journal and snapshot entries to configured JDBC databases so that Akka Actors can recover state
- #848 - Failed: H2ScalaEventsByTagTest
- #824 - Durable State broken after upgrading to slick 3.5.x
- #802 - MySQL durable state implementation
- #793 - Might the schema of event_jounal be optimized?
- #686 - Implement Delete effect for DurableState
- #673 - failure: Some eventsByTag tests fail with Oracle and legacy.ByteArrayReadJournalDao
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A distributed system library for managing application reference data
- #140 - Support HTTP for Sirius following instead of Akka remoting
- #131 - AskTimeoutExceptions during startup
- #126 - Subset of follower nodes missing data
- #125 - nodetool requires akka.tcp protocol that SiriusShortNameParser doesn't support
- #112 - Old deletes need to be purged during Compaction
- #104 - Stale ActorRef eviction is broken
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Cloudflow enables users to quickly develop, orchestrate, and operate distributed streaming applications on Kubernetes.
- #1355 - create the SensorDataJsonSupport object
- #1349 - Communication on deprecation of cloudflow
- #1233 - Cloudflow CLI: incomplete pods status on deployment (1/0)
- #1231 - Docs need attention for: "Download and install the Cloudflow CLI"
- #1230 - Docs need attention for Protobuf in v2.3.1
- #1225 - Support for Java 17
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Twirl is Play's default template engine
- #839 - can not use using/given in twirl templates
- #771 - Dependency Dashboard
- #571 - Incorrect calculation the column of error for template with first line comments
- #498 - Fix problems regarding Scala 3 and sourcePositionMapper
- #420 - Not possible to add scaladoc comment for the generated template object
- #347 - StringInterpolation not works well with Seq
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Scala incremental compiler library, used by sbt and other build tools
- #1527 - Consistent Analysis fails on AppVeyor?
- #1509 - Feature Request: Make Consistent Analysis Compression toggleable
- #1500 - CI: Some tests are run twice in same run
- #1493 - Zinc incremental compilation behaviour is different when executed in the single jvm vs two consecutive runs
- #1480 - Do we need to set `-YdisableFlatCpCaching` for Scala 3?
- #1478 - Feature Request: Make zinc Scala 3 macro-aware
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The Anorm database library
- #627 - AkkaStream & PekkoStream usage can lead to threads blocked/waiting
- #626 - Drop Scala 2.11 (and 2.12?)
- #623 - docs: missing changelog or release note for v2.8.0
- #603 - Unreachable case except for null warning by Macro.namedParser with Scala 3 enum
- #560 - Incorrect error message when column is unexpectedly NULL
- #525 - Default Column[LocalDateTime] instance lose nanoseconds precision
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Akka Management is a suite of tools for operating Akka Clusters.
- #1278 - Support gRPC health checks
- #1251 - Failed: Integration Tests for Kubernetes API with Maven
- #1240 - failed: Integration test for Kubernetes Lease - sbt expected single file for component
- #1107 - Failed: Integration tests for Kubernetes API
- #1075 - new-cluster-enabled and SBR
- #1040 - Support for refreshing k8s tokens
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Enabling Continuous Data Processing with Apache Spark and Azure Event Hubs
- #689 - Java 11 support so connector can be used on Synapse?
- #688 - pyspark - azure eventhub emulator - Connection refused
- #687 - java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Futures timed out after [5 minutes]
- #682 - Azure EventHub - PySpark Failed to configure SaslClientAuthenticator works when using Confluent cloud
- #681 - The auth docs are wrong - causing service unavailability issues
- #680 - ReceiverDisconnectedException even if using different consumer groups
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A GitHub API wrapper written in Scala
- #888 - Support reference deletion
- #887 - Support merging of a pull request
- #840 - Flaky test `Repos >> ListStatus`
- #836 - Support for Scala Native
- #810 - List followers of a user
- #769 - patch field being String in FileComparison causing compareCommit to crash
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- #495 - Documentation not accurate
- #479 - Could this be published with SBT 1.9.x?
- #457 - webpackExtraArgs is ignored
- #435 - BundlingMode.LibraryAndApplication() does not work with sourcemap to false
- #434 - Use with IntegrationTests
- #431 - sourcemap not work with BundlingMode.LibraryAndApplication
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Defines immutable, safe data structures for describing IP addresses, multicast joins, socket addresses and similar IP & network related data types
- #505 - Alternative version of Host.fromString that returns error message?
- #466 - Support unix socket addresses, and possibly arbitrary other address types (?)
- #422 - Pure Scala IDNA implementation
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DNS automation and governance for streamlining DNS operations and enabling safe and secure DNS self-service
- #1430 - Dump Zone to CSV
- #1428 - Request access to get the member of the group.
- #1426 - Update the email template for ownership transfer
- #1422 - Search Groups by user name in All groups tab.
- #1419 - Enable password authentication for email
- #1414 - Enable users to share DNS Change
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Next generation user interface and application development in Scala and Scala.js for web, mobile, and desktop.
- #82 - Support for pre-loading screens
- #75 - Reload a Screen
- #72 - WebSocket Client Auto-Reconnect
- #71 - Better WebSocket support
- #70 - Take part in TFB competition
- #67 - ListSelection
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makes some Scala 2.13 APIs (primarily collections, also some others) available on 2.11 and 2.12, to aid cross-building
- #671 - No javaapi implementation for OptionConverters
- #652 - missing some typeConstraints methods (`<:<` and `=:=` )
- #650 - Add scala.annotation.experimental for cross-compiling with Scala 3
- #640 - `Ordering.orElse` and `Ordering.orElseBy`
- #632 - `Left#withRight` and `Right#withLeft`
- #621 - add `appended` method
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Play mailer plugin
- #242 - Add support for DKIM signing
- #195 - Error - no object DCH for MIME type multipart/mixed
- #177 - Get a nullpointerexception when trying to send mail
- #151 - Authentication Failure With Gmail in Play-Mailer 6.0.1
- #144 - Overwrite sender's mail id which is set in application.conf
- #143 - Sending username and password using POST to initate
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Functional programming toolkit for building server applications in Scala.
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct