azure/azure-event-hubs-spark 2.1.5
Enabling Continuous Data Processing with Apache Spark and Azure Event Hubs
Scala versions: 2.11 -
qubole/kinesis-sql 1.2.0_spark-3.0
Kinesis Connector for Structured Streaming
Scala versions: 2.12 -
microsoft/mobius 2.0.200
C# and F# language binding and extensions to Apache Spark
Scala versions: 2.11 -
chermenin/spark-states 0.2
Custom state store providers for Apache Spark
Scala versions: 2.12 2.11 -
tupol/spark-utils 0.6.2
Basic framework utilities to quickly start writing production ready Apache Spark applications
Scala versions: 2.12 -
agile-lab-dev/wasp 2.36.0
WASP is a framework to build complex real time big data applications. It relies on a kind of Kappa/Lambda architecture mainly leveraging Kafka and Spark. If you need to ingest huge amount of heterogeneous data and analyze them through complex pipelines, this is the framework for you.
Scala versions: 2.12 2.11 -
qubole/streaminglens 0.5.3
Qubole Streaminglens tool for tuning Spark Structured Streaming Pipelines
Scala versions: 2.11 -
qubole/s3-sqs-connector 0.5.1
A library for reading data from Amzon S3 with optimised listing using Amazon SQS using Spark SQL Streaming ( or Structured streaming).
Scala versions: 2.11 -
catalystcode/streaming-instagram 0.0.7
A library for reading social data from Instagram using Spark Streaming.
Scala versions: 2.11 -
catalystcode/streaming-facebook 0.0.3
A library for reading social data from Facebook using Spark Streaming.
Scala versions: 2.11 -
ponkin/bloom 0.11
Probabilistic data structures java implementation.
Scala versions: 2.11 -
catalystcode/streaming-reddit 0.0.2
A library for reading public search results from Reddit using Spark Streaming.
Scala versions: 2.11 -
cdapio/cdap 6.10.1
An open source framework for building data analytic applications.
Scala versions: 2.12