dwolla / sbt-s3-publisher   1.3.2

MIT License GitHub

SBT plugin for assembling a jar and publishing to S3

Scala versions: 2.12
sbt plugins: 1.0

Amazon S3 Publisher SBT Plugin

Dwolla/sbt-s3-publisher CI license

An sbt plugin to assemble and publish application jars to Amazon S3.

Installation and Enabling

Add the following to project/plugins.sbt

addSbtPlugin("com.dwolla.sbt" % "sbt-s3-publisher" % "{version-number}")

Then, enable the plugin by adding something like the following to build.sbt:

val app = (project in file(".")).enablePlugins(PublishToS3)

Included Plugins


By default, the assembly artifact of the project using this plugin will be published to s3://{s3Bucket}/{s3Key}. The values are configured as follows:


s3Bucket is a task that checks for the presence of an environment variable, and uses its value if present. By default, this environment variable is DWOLLA_CODE_BUCKET, but it can be overridden by setting a different value in s3BucketEnvironmentVariable:

s3BucketEnvironmentVariable := Some("MY_ENV_VARIABLE")

If the environment variable is not set, or s3BucketEnvironmentVariable is set to None, then the default bucket dwolla-code-sandbox will be used.

The intention is to allow a build system to set a different, more restrictive bucket for artifacts published for production use, whereas developers would be able to publish from their local machines to an open bucket during development.


By default, s3Key will be set to lambdas/{normalizedName}/{version}/{normalizedName}.jar.

If there are uncommitted changes, or publishing from a branch whose git-ref does not match the publishBranch value (defaults to master), the SHA1 hash of the assembly JAR will be included in the path.


If custom S3 transfer settings are needed (a different credential strategy, etc.), a com.amazonaws.services.s3.transfer.TransferManager can be provided using the s3TransferManager setting.



Assembles a jar and uploads it to the configured S3 path.