creativescala / creative-scala-theme   0.2.1


A Creative Scala theme for Laika. HTML only.

Scala versions: 2.12
sbt plugins: 1.0

Creative Scala Theme

A Laika theme for Creative Scala.

Current Version

To use, add

addSbtPlugin("org.creativescala" %% "creative-scala-theme" % VERSION)

to project/plugins.sbt, replacing VERSION with the version number above.

Then, in your build.sbt

import laika.ast.Path

// Configure Laika
Laika / sourceDirectories := Seq(
  "my" / "javascript", // the directory where JS is found
  "my" / "css" // the directory where CSS is found
laikaTheme := CreativeScalaTheme(
  Seq(Path.Root / "main.js"), // JS files to include
  Seq(Path.Root / "main.css") // CSS files to include