yetu / yetu-notification-client-scala   1.2.2

MIT License GitHub

Scala client for yetu notifications

Scala versions: 2.10


Scala client for yetu notifications

After making changes, push all commits, then release to bintray with:

# make sure to use java 7, not java 8 for publishing, for the time being.
export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.7`
java -version # this must give you java 7 now, otherwise please install it
sbt "cross release with-defaults"

Set up a vagrant box with rabbitmq

You need to have installed locally:

Then just execute the following:

cd vagrant && vagrant up

Note that this will enable port forwarding for ports

  • 5672 - rabbitmq
  • 15672 - rabbitmq admin console

If you have some local process running on these ports please change the host ports in the vagrant/Vagrantfile.

Go grab a cup of tea or lunch as this might take 10-20 minutes depending on internet speeds.

Debug Rabbitmq

Once vagrant is up, you can log in to the rabbitmq management console at http://localhost:15672 using the username/password as specified in vagrant/group_vars/all/rabbitmq.yml