tototoshi / nyanda   0.1.0


Database Accessor for cats

Scala versions: 3.x

nyanda 🐱

Scala CI

Database Accessor for cats. Written in Scala 3 and cats-effect 3.


Hello, World

package nyanda.example

import cats.implicits.*
import cats.effect.*
import org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource
import nyanda.*

object Hello extends IOApp.Simple with Dsl.IO:

  val dataSource =
    val ds = new JdbcDataSource()

  // "Transactor" is an utility to manage the database connection
  val transactor = Transactor[IO](dataSource)

  val run =
    // Declare a instance of "ResultSetRead" Type class
    given ResultSetRead[IO, String] = ResultSetRead(RS.get[String]("hello"))

    // Declare a query
    val q: Query[IO, String] = DB.query[String](sql"select 'Hello, World!' as hello")

    // Execute the query
    transactor.readOnly.use( >>= IO.println // => Hello, World!


You can use features by inheriting or importing the Dsl traits.

import nyanda.*
object Main extends Dsl.IO:
// ... your code
import nyanda.*
import Dsl.IO._

// ...your code


Write queries with string interpolation.

val id = 1
val q = sql"select * from person where id = ${id}"

and execute the queries.

// Equivalent to java.sql.Connection#executeUpdate
DB.update(sql"create table ....")

// Equivalent to java.sql.Connection#executeQuery
DB.query[Option[String]](sql"select * from ....")

ResultSetGet[F, T]/ResultSetRead[F, T]

For the conversion from ResultSet to user-defined types, the ResultSetGet[F, T]/ResultSetRead[F, T] typeclasses are provided.

ResultSetGet is defined as follows.

trait ResultSetGet[F[_], T]:
  def get(column: String)(rs: ResultSet[F]): F[T]

ResultSet[F] is a type that wraps java.sql.ResultSet and is defined by this library to separate the "effects". Similarly, this library also defines Connection[F], DataSource[F], etc.

If you have an instance of ResultSetGet[F, T] (e.g. ResultSetGet[IO, String]), you can use the RS.get[T] method. (For simple types such as String, Int, ZonedDateTime, etc., an instance of ResultSetGet[F, T] is already provided. )

def get[A](column: String)(using g: ResultSetGet[F, A]): Kleisli[F, ResultSet[F], A]

get[T] returns Kleisli[F, ResultSet[F], A]. you can use the features of Kleisli, Applicative, and Monad to compose operations with get[T]. You can then wrap it with ResultSetRead.apply to get an instance of ResultSetRead[F, T].

case class Person(id: Int, name: String, nickname: Option[String])

def personGet[F[_]: Monad]: Kleisli[F, ResultSet[F], Person] = for
  id <- RS.get[Int]("id")
  name <- RS.get[String]("name")
  nickname <- RS.get[Option[Stirng]]("nickname")
yield Person(id, name, nickname)


def personGet[F[_]: Applicative]: Kleisli[F, ResultSet[F], Person] =
  (RS.get[String]("id"), RS.get[String]("name"), RS.get("nickname")[Option[String]).mapN(Person.apply)

Connection and Transaction

Transactor is used to manage transactions. Transactor provides methods such as autoCommit, readOnly, and transaction.

import nyanda
import org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource

import Dsl.IO._

val ds = new JdbcDataSource()

val transactor = Transactor[IO](ds)

val q = DB.query[Option[Person]](sql"select * from person")

You can also compose multiple queries and execute them at once.

The DB.update and DB.query methods return Query[F, T] type, which is an alias to Kleisli[F, Connection[F], T].

So you can:

val insertAndFind: Query[IO, Option[Person]] =
    _ <- DB.update(sql"insert into person (id, name, nickname, created_at) values (${}, ${}, ${p.nickname}, ${p.createdAt})")
    result <- DB.query[Option[Person]](sql"select id, name, nickname, created_at from person where id = ${1}")
  yield result
