themillhousegroup / pac4j-fitbit   0.1.11

MIT License GitHub

Pac4J integration with the FitBit OAuth2 API

Scala versions: 2.11 2.10


Pac4j integration for the FitBit API.


Bring in the library by adding the following to your build.sbt.

  • The release repository:
   resolvers ++= Seq(
     "Millhouse Bintray"  at ""
  • The dependency itself:
   libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
     "com.themillhousegroup" %% "pac4j-fitbit" % "0.1.9"


Once you have pac4j-fitbit added to your project, you can start using it like this:

Add it to your list of clients in your setup code:
import com.themillhousegroup.pac4jfitbit

val facebookClient = new FacebookClient("fbId", "fbSecret")
val fitbitClient = new FitBitClient("fitBitId", "fitBitSecret")

new Clients(baseUrl + "/callback", facebookClient, fitbitClient)

Customizing scope:

By default, the only scope argument provided to the FitBit API will be profile. If you need more access, supply a Set[FitBitScope] as the third argument to the FitBitClient constructor, e.g.:

   import com.themillhousegroup.pac4jfitbit
   import com.themillhousegroup.pac4jfitbit.FitBitScopes._

   val fitbitClient = new FitBitClient(
   	Set(profile, location, activity, weight)

The names of the FitBitScope instances are exactly as per the FitBit Scope documentation.

The FitBitProfile

If a user successfully authenticates against FitBit, you'll get back an instance of a FitBitProfile, which looks like this:

class FitBitProfile extends OAuth20Profile {

  override def getFirstName: String 
  override def getFamilyName: String
  override def getDisplayName: String 

	/** Always returns "" - FitBit will not reveal users' emails */
  override def getEmail: String = ""

  override def getLocale: Locale 
  override def getPictureUrl: String 
  override def getProfileUrl: String 
  override def getGender: Gender 

	/** Returns "<city> <country>" IFF the "location" scope was requested */
  override def getLocation: String 

	/** Will just return the user's ID. No usernames in FitBit */
  override def getUsername = getId
