Allure ZIO Test

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You can use one of the following ways to get Allure:

  • Grab it from bintray (see Downloads section).
  • Using Homebrew:
brew install allure
  • For Windows, Allure is available from the Scoop commandline-installer. To install Allure, download and install Scoop and then execute in the Powershell:
scoop install allure

Usage API in ZIO/Scala project

Add Allure plugin to project

In project/plugin.sbt file add the next line

addSbtPlugin("io.cronenbergworld" % "allure-zio-plugin" % "<last-version>")

Enable this plugin by adding the next line in build.sbt file

import zio.test._
import zio.test.allure.AllureRunnableSpec
import zio.test.allure.Tags._

object ExampleSpec extends AllureRunnableSpec {

  def spec = suite("some suite")(
    test("failing test") {
      val stuff = 1
    } @@ owner("ExampleOwner") @@ custom("", ""),
    test("failing test 2") {
      val stuff = Some(1)
    test("failing test 3") {
      val stuff = Some(1)
    test("passing test") {
  ) @@ epic("ExampleEpicName")

You need to use zio.test.allure.AllureRunnableSpec instead of zio.test.DefaultRunnableSpec

Get Allure Report

If you want to generate report and up the server you need to use

allure serve allure-results

For generate HTML report use

allure generate allure-results
