sorixelle / scalajs-hyperapp   1.0.0

BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License GitHub

Scala.js facade for Hyperapp

Scala versions: 2.12
Scala.js versions: 0.6

scalajs-hyperapp Logo


Build Status Maven Central Hyperapp 1.2.9

A Scala.js facade for Hyperapp, a JavaScript micro-framework for building web applications.

Getting Started

First, enable the scalajs-bundler plugin by following these instructions. Then, add the following dependency to your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "cf.srxl" %%% "scalajs-hyperapp" % "1.0.0"

Basic App

Below is the same counter application found in the Hyperapp readme, written with Scala.js.

import org.scalajs.dom.document

import cf.srxl.hyperapp.Actions
import cf.srxl.hyperapp.DSL._

object CounterApp {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val state: State = Map(
      "count" -> 0

    val actions = Actions(
      "down" ==> ((value: Int) => state =>"count").map(c => Map("count" -> (c - value)))),
      "up" ==> ((value: Int) => state =>"count").map(c => Map("count" -> (c + value))))

    val view: View = (state, actions) =>
      <("div", ^(),
        <("h1", ^(),"count").get),
        <("button", ^("onclick" -> (() => actions.action("down").get(1))), "-"),
        <("button", ^("onclick" -> (() => actions.action("up").get(1))), "+")

    app(state, actions, view, document.body)



cf.srxl.hyperapp.DSL._ contains many useful functions and implicits to help build Hyperapp apps. You'll almost certainly want to import this. Everything else can be imported as necessary.


A state object is a simple Map[String, js.Any] (or the State type alias from the hyperapp package object).

val state: State = Map(
  "key" -> "value"

To access values from a state object, you can use the methods defined in DSL.StateOps to easily get the types you want.

Nested State

When using nested state, make sure to import scala.scalajs.js.JSConverters._ and call toJSDictionary on any Maps in the state. Alternatively, you can use the ::> operator from DSL to have the conversion done for you.

val state: State = Map(
  "nested" ::> (
    "key" -> "value"


Action objects are created with the Actions class. There are 4 different entry types you can have in a state object:

  • Simple actions (-->)
  • Stateful actions (==>)
  • Asynchronous actions (=/>)
  • Action scopes (:>)

As an example, this object in JavaScript:

const actions = {
  scope: {
    action1: value => ({ value1: value })
  action2: value => state => ({ value2: state.value2 + value }),
  action3: value => (state, actions) => { doSomething(); actions.action2(value) }

would look like this in Scala (the Int types on the functions are as an example):

val actions = Actions(
  "scope" :> (
    "action1" --> ((value: Int) => Map("value1" -> value))
  "action2" ==> ((value: Int) => state =>"value2").map(v => Map("value2" -> (v + value)))),
  "action3" =/> ((value: Int) => (state, actions) => { doSomething(); actions.action("action2").get(value) })

Received Actions

Actions received from functions such as the view function or an async action are not Actions, rather they are WiredActions. You can access actions from a WiredAction using actions, and scopes with scope. Both methods return Options, so you can use them in for-comprehensions like so:

for {
  level1 <- actions.scope("level1")
  level2 <- level1.scope("level2")
  action <- level2.action("action")
} yield action("value")

Just like in regular Hyperapp, the app method returns the WiredActions, so you can use it to call actions from wherever you want.


A view function takes a State and an Actions, and returns a ViewNode. The View type alias describes this function. Instead of manually creating ViewNodes, you can use the < and ^ functions from DSL to easily create nodes.

<("tagName", ^("attribute" -> "value"), "children")

An example of a view function:

val view: View = (state, actions) =>
  <("div", ^(),
    <("h1", ^(), "Hello, World!"),
    <("button", ^("onclick" -> (() => doSomething())), "Click Me!")


The < function can also accept a component as it's first parameter. There are 4 different types of components:

  • Component (props => ViewNode)
  • ComponentWithChildren ((props, children) => ViewNode)
  • LazyComponent (props => (state, actions) => ViewNode)
  • LazyComponentWithChildren ((props, children) => (state, actions) => ViewNode)

The shape of the props object is the same as a state object, so you can use all the methods in DSL.StateOps on a props object in the same way you would on a state object.


If you have a feature you want added, feel free to open an issue, or a PR if you're feeling kind enough! Make sure that both the unit tests in /src/test/scala and the integration tests in /integration-tests are passing before you open a PR. Feel free to add more tests if you feel they're necessary, too.



scalajs-hyperapp is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License. Hyperapp is licensed under the MIT License.