A simple Lisp-Style protocol for communication
Custom circe codecs for java time 8 --> migrated to buildo/retro
Playing around with Futures in Scala
A Scala (codahale) metrics reporter for InfluxDB over UDP using Akka
A simple Task Queue for Scala
Scala testing library with inspirations from JUnit, ScalaTest, utest and ava
Snapshot testing support for Scalatest
Get less from your REST! A small scala/play library for filtering and projecting json results from REST calls
Epimetheus Shared Libraries
ScalaCheck Gen for joda-time
A Monad that represents a transaction with success, failure, and post commit functions
async http client implementation for http4s clients
scala 2.13's LazyZipOps (LazyZip2, LazyZip3, LazyZip4) backport for scala 2.12
Structured Logging, Tracing, and Observability with Logback
Reactive Streams Specification for the JVM
WartRemover warts for Scala.js.