Kotlin Bigdata Toolkit
saslprep for Scala.js and Scala Native
Automatic versioning based on git-series branches/tags
DSL Platform - Obsesive-Compulsive Testing
Stripe Android SDK
property based testing library for Scala
DynamicScripts batch launcher for MagicDraw
ubirch user managent service
Play Framework (Scala and Play 2.x) module that provides reactive (non-blocking) integration with Google ReCaptcha.
Compile-time Language Integrated Queries for Scala
Jackson Shapeless Module. Allows to serialize Shapeless HLists with Jackson.
Translates xml -> awesome. Maven-ish support for sbt.
Bayesian inference for Gaussian Processes
Lightweight library allowing pure in-memory runtime Java compillation.
A simple DSL and scala wrapper for Typesafe Config
Easily create unique instances of mutable / stateful objects per test