Swagger spec generator for play framework. Includes additional support for plain Java POJO classes in addition to Scala case classes.
The composting worm. Composts your contract specification and tests and confirms that the contract specification is being followed.
Utils for serialize/un-serialize Scala object to PHP serialized string
A websocket/webhook JSON data recorder with API
Mdoc Modifier 🖥 helps you to document 📝 with PlantUML ⚙️
Sbt plugin to access the Drone runtime environment.
SBT Clover Plugin
SDL-based GraphQL gateway for REST and GraphQL-based micro-services
Very simple sbt plugin that creates a distributable zip containing the project main artifacts and scripts
A PlayFramework Security add-on
type less css in your sbt projects
A small helper library to give users a friendly message when they're using a version of Java that's too old
FAPE (Flexible Acting and Planning Environment) is a constraint-based planner for the ANML language.
Tree Component for Scala Swing.
An ADAM extension library for loading .vcf files annotated with SnpEff and SnpSift.