Utility for text tables
An In-Memory Snapshot Store for Akka Persistence, can be useful for unit tests.
Converts the types from java-scala-util to Scala and vice versa
sbt swagger validator plugin
Delightful test failures
Knockout.js plugin for Xitrum
experiment with your code - DEPRECATED
A small library that will provide debugging facilities for ScalaCollider synths (tracing UGen values)
Active Read Through Cache
A fork of the default Play logback logger that can be used when AspectJ weaving is enabled.
A simple command to convert Typesafe config (including HOCON) to JSON.
DIS SDK for StructuredStreaming
neo4s - scala wrapper for neo4j
sbt plugin for doing Breeze's codegen as an explicit source generation step.
A lakeFS client for Apache Spark
Addition to Akka HTTP which provides (un)marshalling via Jackson library
Wraps the Google Spreadsheet API (v3) for simpler consumption from Scala