Deep copy for mutable Scala structures.


Add the dependency to your your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "com.functortech" %% "deepcopy" % "0.1.0"

Then, use it as follows:

scala> import deepcopy._
import deepcopy._

scala> case class Author(var x: String)
defined class Author

scala> case class Book(authors: List[Author])
defined class Book

scala> val author = Author("foo")
author: Author = Author(foo)

scala> val book1 = Book(List(author))
book1: Book = Book(List(Author(foo)))

scala> val book2 = deepcopy(book1)
book2: Book = Book(List(Author(foo)))

scala> author.x = "bar"
author.x: String = bar

scala> book1
res1: Book = Book(List(Author(bar)))

scala> book2
res2: Book = Book(List(Author(foo)))

You can find more examples at the test suits.

Currently it deeply copies only Lists, Options and case classes. You can override the default copying logic. To do so, please have a look at the deepcopy.apply method (specifically its cs argument that specifies copiers). Use the default copiers defined under copiers.scala as a reference to implement your own copiers.