Intellij Idea Run Configurations for Scala SBT projects
Serializers (input and output) for the phone call-related models
Database Connection Pool
A queue for Scala which returns Futures for elements which may not have been enqueued yet.
functional scripting language with built-in backtracking capability written in Scala
Extract Zip dependencies with SBT
A SBT plugin for Axis/Axis2 to generate java sources from WSDL using WSDL2Java
Scala / playframework library to authenticate with yetu
Nexus Admin Service
Spray server for dynamic, fake REST data
Mapper backed for the OAuth Lift Module.
Sangria Amazon Ion marshalling
Scala client library for the QA-SRL Bank.
Akka IO library in scala for serial ports based on jSSC.
Scala.js facade for the find-java-home npm package
Utilities for Stateless Futures
Modern API for JGAP