Conversions for circe and Scala bson (Scala wrapper / extension to the bson library)
Golden Testing for ScalaTest (and maybe more?)
binders is a Scala/Scala.js library for creating serialization/mapping libraries and frameworks.
Use git-describe as a version and run git commands inside SBT shell
Scala Standard Parser Combinator Library
Scalatra OpenID Provider Support
A library for treating stream and non-stream transformations uniformly when processing data with Akka Streams
ReactiveMongo plugin for Playframework
Configure Scala applications in a simple flow
An sbt plugin that facilitate the visualisation of the dependencies in Neo4j
PhantomJS environment for Scala.js
Nexus Common Libraries
Scala 3 compatible Typesafe config Scala wrapper powered by circe.
Higher Kinded Ior
Sangria akka-streams integration
The Scala Compiler Plugin for Scala2TS
sbt plugin for the play auto-refresh.