Play JSON codecs for http4s
An universal command parser written in Scala
Cache and server side session store for Xitrum, based on Hazelcast
Lift integration with Scalate
A Scala DSL to build typesafe SQL queries on top of Doobie
Log4cats MTL Integration Layer
mock-http server base on akka-http
Generic library for numerical modelling
Scala implementation for JSON-RPC and Language Server Protocol
reactive HTTP client API
shim which allows to compile scala program which use scala-async on dotty with dotty-cps-async
🌽 Check if the Apache Pekko modules match in your sbt project
A remote CLI interface for MapR
Utility classes and extension methods for commonly used classes
Link Cut Tree for fast path aggregation calculation on trees and graphs
Assert non-nullable class fields
Lift Java Transaction API integration