Log4cats loglevel Integration
📚 Work with ISBNs in Scala
Utility for text tables
Delightful test failures
Pureharm style library for ciris config library
Generate Rust client crates for zio-http endpoints
The Scala library that provides extension methods for java.sql.
Utilities for configuring a Natchez EntryPoint for OpenTelemetry at Dwolla
Library for use with the `dc10-scala` code generator
Play interpreters for endpoints4s
Trace4Cats AWS X-Ray Exporters
Core entities for working with Iglu in Scala
A graph traversal library for cyclic graphs with weighted edges
Extra decision stores for tail sampling in Trace4Cats
Fork of Apache Pekko pekko-discovery-consul with newer consul-client
A referentially transparent FFI to `org.apache.avro.SchemaBuilder`
OBD library for Scala
Compression algorithms and archive formats for zio-streams