Play Scala Module for Integrating with Salesforce Marketing Cloud Single Sign On
in-memory JMS broker for unit testing (Scala, Java)
Mill plugin to deploy code to AWS Lambda.
Deriving swagger files from Scala code
This is the Play File Watch library
PostgreSQL plugin for Pekko Persistence
Reads like yaml, writes like yaml; it must be yaml!
A geometry model that conforms to the OGC Simple Features for SQL specification.
Scalafix rule to force explicit overriding
ScalaTest for MySQL and Flyway Support
Scala SPARQL utilities
A simple lightweight state machine in Scala
URL (de)construct. Withers.
Quarts scheduler library based on cats-effect
A Dynamically Typed Scala Json Library
Simple crypto for signing auth tokens.
A functional (three-way) comparer for Scala
ScalaJS frontend router