A wrapper around the Datadog API.
Scala connector for Tarantool
A minimalistic Scala.js type facade for Notify.js
Core entities for working with Iglu in Scala
Scala helper modules for operating the Apache Kafka client library (0.9.x - 2.1.0)
Bencoding library for scala
Compression algorithms and archive formats for zio-streams
Programmatically generate .mergify.yml
Cats & ZIO ops made implicitly / convert cats.effect.IO to zio.ZIO / convert zio.ZIO to cats.effect.IO
Scalacheck's `Gen[T]` flexible configurator
Scala ULID
Type inequality witnesses for Scala
Roll20 API Script Framework
A simple Downing provider for Akka that detects and prevents split brain situations
Providing circe-based scanamo DynamoFormat instances