Page 35 of 4589 results
verizon/journal 3.0.19
A reasonable logging library for Scala
Scala versions: 2.12 2.11 2.10 -
apimorphism/telegramium 9.802.0
Telegramium or F[ Tg ] - pure functional Telegram Bot API implementation for Scala.
Scala versions: 3.x 2.13 2.12 -
ottogroup/flink-spector 0.9.4
Framework for Apache Flink unit tests
Scala versions: 2.12 2.11 -
sparsetech/trail 0.3.1
Routing library for the Scala platform
Scala versions: 2.13 2.12 2.11Scala.js versions: 1.xScala Native versions: 0.4 -
vitorsvieira/dilate 0.1.2
Nearly zero runtime object allocation powered by scalameta. Value class and Unboxed Tagged Type generation at compile-time.
Scala versions: 2.12 2.11 -
sloshy/fs2-es 0.3.0
Event sourcing utilities for FS2
Scala versions: 2.13 2.12Scala.js versions: 1.x -
verizon/helm 4.0.0
A native Scala client for interacting with Consul
Scala versions: 2.12 2.11 -
lucidd/scala-js-chrome 0.5.8
ScalaJS bindings for Chrome Extention/App and ChromeOS APIs
Scala versions: 2.12Scala.js versions: 0.6 -
sansa-stack/sansa-stack 0.9.5
Big Data RDF Processing and Analytics Stack built on Apache Spark and Apache Jena
Scala versions: 2.12