Utilities for Play Referenced from ScalaCourses.com
Remote shell access via SSH for your Scala applications
Thin ZIO wrapper around jOOq. Easily mix your existing jOOq code into your ZIO App or Service.
ScalaTest + JMock provides integration support between ScalaTest and JMock.
MongoDB Extension for Enumeratum
Some optimized Scala collections that I use in several projects
Scala's require with automated, macro-based error messages
sbt-web plugin that filters intermediate assets
Bloop configuration library
sbt-web plugin with Google Closure Compiler integration
Message Central
sbt plugin to create a dependency graph for your project
Longest Prefix Match
Utilities for reading and working with various datasets for NLP.
Akka Coordination Lease Implementation using Redis
This is an alternative implementation of the new AWS Java SDK v2 non-blocking async SPI. It provides an alternative to the built-in Netty implementation based on pekko-http.
Scalacheck integration for munit