Scala wrapper around Flink REST endpoints.
Generates JSON Schema from Scala classes
Scala driver for rethinkdb
pirate parses arrrrguments
Just my collection of random scala helpers
An open-source Scala library for internalization
Small Scala library for viewing a Stream of ScalaFX Images (or Swing/AWT BufferedImages) in a window on-screen
Shapeless Generic Functional Enumeration of Algebraic Data Types for Scala
scala API for time numerical series operations.
Math and statistics utilities
Kamon Google Stackdriver Integration
A Gatling to NATS Connector
The wrapper library for executing INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE sql query on Google Cloud Spanner.
Scala.js facades for Mithril.js
Spark data source for Workday
Use cats Validated to create (Accumulating) circe Decoders
Dataflow programming for Scala