A sbt plugin for creating distributable Scala packages. Changes in this fork have been released in the upstream as of version 0.9.2
Json/Protobuf convertors for ScalaPB use play-json
sbt plugin to have sbt communicate with AnyBar.app
Functions to facilitate compound sorting strategies by composing sort comparators
AMQP driver with Akka integration
SBT plugin for project deployment
A scala wrapper of the mlog logging facade (defined in mchange-commons-java)
A tiny sbt plugin to streamline publishing to JFrog Artifactory.
Experimental project to lay out basic algebra type classes
Plugin for Ning AsyncHttpClient that use Consul to discover the IP and port of the HTTP service
Converts the HTML for a flexible content block into text (for use in 'latest update' on a front, or in the apps)
A Jenkins HTTP client
UpdateChecker interface for bintray
Launch and deploy your Java apps
SBT Plugin with common configs for our projects
A Scala implementation of java.time