jrouly / sbt-artifactory   0.4.0


A tiny sbt plugin to streamline publishing to JFrog Artifactory.

Scala versions: 2.12 2.10
sbt plugins: 1.0 0.13


Scala CI version

A tiny sbt plugin to streamline resolving against JFrog Artifactory. Motivated by the sunsetting of Bintray.

This plugin uses itself to publish itself.


Install the plugin.

addSbtPlugin("net.rouly" % "sbt-artifactory" % "version")

Define your Artifactory connection.

artifactory := artifactoryCloud("mycompany") // https://mycompany.jfrog.io
artifactory := artifactoryHttps("artifacts.mycompany.biz")
artifactory := artifactoryHttps("artifacts.mycompany.biz", "/custom/path/to/artifactory")
artifactory := artifactoryHttp("insecure.artifacts.mycompany.biz")
artifactory := artifactoryHttp("insecure.artifacts.mycompany.biz", "/custom/path/to/artifactory")

Set your Artifactory credentials in the environment.


You're done!



Add to your project/plugins.sbt

addSbtPlugin("net.rouly" % "sbt-artifactory" % "version")


Artifactory connection

Configure the connection for your Artifactory install.

artifactory := artifactoryCloud("mycompany") // https://mycompany.jfrog.io
artifactory := artifactoryHttps("artifacts.mycompany.biz")
artifactory := artifactoryHttps("artifacts.mycompany.biz", "/custom/path/to/artifactory")
artifactory := artifactoryHttp("insecure.artifacts.mycompany.biz")
artifactory := artifactoryHttp("insecure.artifacts.mycompany.biz", "/custom/path/to/artifactory")

A note about http

It is recommended to use https for artifact resolution. No guarantee is made that http will work for sbt versions 0.13 and below.


The plugin adds artifactoryCredentials to your build's credentials, based on the artifactory setting. By default, these credentials anticipate the environment variables ARTIFACTORY_USER and ARTIFACTORY_PASS.

You can also set your own credentials file.


The default credential realm is set to Artifactory Realm but this can be overridden with artifactoryRealm.

Repository names

By default, the plugin will anticipate the repository names {ivy|maven}-{snapshot|release}-local based on the values of publishMavenStyle and isSnapshot.

If these repository names don't work for you, you can override the settings.

artifactorySnapshotRepository := "custom-sbt-snapshot"
artifactoryReleaseRepository := "custom-sbt-release"

If you use a single repository for both snapshots and releases, just set the keys to the same value.


publishTo is automagically configured and set to artifactoryResolver. It is aware of snapshot/release and ivy/maven settings by default.

You can reset publishTo if the defaults don't work for you.


You can also add custom Artifactory resolvers for dependency resolution.

resolvers += Resolver.artifactoryIvyRepo(artifactory.value, "ivy-release")
resolvers += Resolver.artifactoryRepo(artifactory.value, "maven-release")

sbt keys

Key Type Description
artifactory ArtifactoryConnection Artifactory connection configuration.
artifactoryRealm String Artifactory credential realm. Defaults to Artifactory Realm.
artifactorySnapshotRepository String Artifactory snapshot repository label. Defaults to ivy-snapshot-local or maven-snapshot-local.
artifactoryReleaseRepository String Artifactory release repository label. Defaults to ivy-release-local or maven-release-local.

The next keys are derived from the previous table. You probably don't want to override these, but go ahead if you need to.

Key Type Description
artifactoryCredentials Credentials Artifactory credentials, derived from environment variables.
artifactorySnapshotResolver Resolver Artifactory snapshot resolver.
artifactoryReleaseResolver Resolver Artifactory release resolver.
artifactoryResolver Resolver Artifactory publishTo resolver, switches between snapshot/release.