Scala API for distributed closures on Apache Ignite
an sbt plugin for generating java artifacts from WSDL using cxf
a scala growl client that purs
JSONP filter for Play framework
SBT plugin for Liquibase
spark package to natively read S3 files instead of through hadoop, improving speed
simple http server
A Scala client for Presto
unix domain sockets that look just like tcp sockets
LTSV parser implementation in Scala
Automatic implicit conversions and extensions functions for the Android framework in Scala
A wrapper library which provides an idiomatic way to use Reladomo in Scala.
Yet Another Try: A REST Client with Jersey and Scala (and Neo4j)
Babel is a Domain Specific Language for Integration made in Scala. It provides elegant API in order to use well-known integration frameworks.
A Scala source code browser
Base62 encode/decoder for Scala
Scala.js implementation for java.logging