An audio rendering (offline signal processing) library. Although not optimised for it, it can also be used to process still images and image sequences (aka videos). This project should eventually become the next major version of FScape, an experimental music and sound signal processing workbench. As of this writing, the library is still experimental, so you may want to stick to "classic" FScape for common tasks. It has basic integration with Mellite, increasingly providing adaptations of the classical FScape modules, using Mellite's widget object for a user interface similar to FScape 1. See below for instructions on how to generate these "standard modules".
FScape(-next) is (C)opyright 2001–2023 by Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
of the GNU Affero General Public License v3+.
To contact the author, send an e-mail to contact at sciss.de
FScape contains code adapted from Praat by Paul Boersma and David Weenink, published under the GNU General Public License v2+.
The project builds with sbt against Scala 2.12, 2.13 (JVM) and Scala 2.13 (JS). Scala 3 is currently broken. The last version to support Scala 2.11 was 2.28.0.
The following dependency is necessary:
"de.sciss" %% "fscape" % v
The current version v
is "3.15.4"
The following submodules are available:
"de.sciss" %% "fscape-core" % v // core library
"de.sciss" %% "fscape-lucre" % v // integration with SoundProcesses
"de.sciss" %% "fscape-macros" % v // allows us to generate programs and store their source code
"de.sciss" %% "fscape-views" % v // additional widgets for Mellite integration
"de.sciss" %% "fscape-modules" % v // adaptations of "classical" FScape modules
"de.sciss" %% "fscape-cdp" % v // support for Composer's Desktop Project (in alpha stage!)
Please see the file CONTRIBUTING.md
classical modules
You can now generate a Mellite workspace containing a growing number of adaptions of classical FScape v1 modules. Be sure you match the FScape version with the one bundled in the Mellite version you are using.
sbt "fscape-modules/run my-fscape-modules.mllt"
Where you can replace my-fscape-modules.mllt
by the target path of the workspace to be created.
This modules-workspace will also be published somewhere for direct download in the future.
The goals of this project are:
- completely separate GUI and processes
- move from Java to Scala
- reformulate modules as a graph of small modular DSP blocks
- DSP blocks are modelled as UGens similar to those in ScalaCollider, with the crucial difference that in FScape processes run in non-realtime and usually will have a bounded duration
- currently, UGens graphs will be translated into an Akka Stream graph, hopefully providing a robust streaming API and the possibility to customise parallelism
- provide a simple DSL similar to ScalaCollider for users to write their own DSP graphs
- integrate these graphs into Mellite
FScape (v2) provides a set of unit generators in the package de.sciss.fscape.graph
which roughly follow the
idea of UGens in ScalaCollider. Or more precisely, the building blocks are of type GE
or graph element.
A graph element can abstract over UGens (introduce pseudo-UGens) and abstract over the number of channels
(perform a late multi-channel-expansion). The inputs of a graph element are usually other graph elements.
Primitive numbers are lifted to graph elements implicitly. Unlike the real-time counterpart ScalaCollider,
graph elements may last for a specific number of frames.
Some have an infinite duration, e.g. generators such as
, DC
, or WhiteNoise
. Others have a finite duration, e.g. AudioFileIn
. Filters usually end, when their
"hot" input (typically the first input) ends, while they cache the values of auxiliary inputs. For example,
if you write Sliding(in, 512, 32)
you are creating sliding and overlapping windows over then input in
The window size here is 512
and the stepping size is 32
. Both 512
and 32
are constants that have a duration
of one frame, but Sliding
keeps processing until the hot input, in
, terminates. If one wanted to modulate
the window size, a dynamic signal could be used instead of the constant.
example 1: creating a sonogram
The following program reads in a monophonic sound file and outputs a logarithmic gray scale sonogram PNG image:
import de.sciss.fscape._
import de.sciss.audiofile.AudioFile
val fIn = new java.io.File("input.aif")
val specIn = AudioFile.readSpec(fIn)
val fOut = new java.io.File("sonogram.png")
val fftSize = 8192
val timeResMS = 4.0 // milliseconds
val winStep = math.min(fftSize, (timeResMS / 1000 * specIn.sampleRate + 0.5).toInt)
val numWin = ((specIn.numFrames - fftSize + winStep - 1) / winStep).toInt
val numBands = 432
val dbMin = -78.0
val dbMax = -18.0
val g = Graph {
import graph._
import Ops._
val in = AudioFileIn(file = fIn.toURI, numChannels = 1)
val slid = Sliding(in, fftSize, winStep)
val winFun = GenWindow.Hann(fftSize)
val windowed = slid * winFun
val rotWin = RotateWindow(windowed, size = fftSize, amount = fftSize/2)
val fft = Real1FFT(rotWin, size = fftSize)
val constQ = ConstQ(fft, fftSize = fftSize, numBands = numBands)
val norm = constQ.ampDb.linLin(dbMin * 2, dbMax * 2, 0.0, 1.0).clip(0, 1)
val rotImg = RotateFlipMatrix.rot90CCW(norm, rows = numWin, columns = numBands)
val specOut = ImageFile.Spec(width = numWin, height = numBands, numChannels = 1)
ImageFileOut(file = fOut.toURI, spec = specOut, in = rotImg)
val ctrl = stream.Control()
import ctrl.config.executionContext
ctrl.status.foreach { _ => sys.exit() }
The actual DSP program is written inside a Graph { }
block, which you can think of as a variant of
ScalaCollider's SynthGraph
. AudioFileIn
reads and streams a sound file, Sliding
produces overlapping windows,
these weighted by a Hann window, then rotated in their phase, then the Fourier transform is taken. The ConstQ
element applies filters to the spectrum that give us the squared magnitudes of the logarithmic frequency bands
(we use the defaults of ConstQ
here). The norm
variable captures these magnitudes in a useful range for
representation as gray scale pixels. Before the image is written out, we rotate it, so that time corresponds to
the x-Axis and frequencies corresponds to the y-Axis. Note that FScape does not have a dedicated 2-dimensional
image signal type, instead images are transported as 1D signals, scanning from left to right and top to bottom.
You could expand the example to process a stereo sound file by changing to numChannels = 2
, all other UGens would
automatically multi-channel-expand. In the end you could decide to mix the two channels together
(make sure to clip the sum, otherwise you may see wrapped pixel values):
ImageFileOut(file = fOut.toURI, spec = specOut, in = (rotImg.out(0) + rotImg.out(1)).min(1.0))
Or you could decide that they should indicate the red and green channel, and add an empty blue channel:
val specOut = ImageFile.Spec(width = numWin, height = numBands, numChannels = 3)
ImageFileOut(file = fOut.toURI, spec = specOut, in = Seq(rotImg.out(0), rotImg.out(1), DC(0.0)))
example 2: applying a band-pass filter
The following program has a similar structure, but instead of generating a sonogram image file, it writes another audio file after applying a band-pass frequency filter to the input file. It does so by creating a FIR (finite impulse response) filter kernel using the windowed-sinc technique, and applying it through convolution.
import de.sciss.audiofile.AudioFile
import de.sciss.numbers.Implicits._
val fIn = new java.io.File("input.aif")
val fOut = new java.io.File("output.aif")
val specIn = AudioFile.readSpec(fIn)
val specOut = specIn // you could change the file type or sample format here
val sr = specIn.sampleRate
val inLen = specIn.numFrames
val f1 = 400.0 // lower frequency in Hz
val f2 = 800.0 // upper frequency in Hz
val numZero = 6 // filter design: number of zero crossings in windowed sinc
val kaiser = 6.0 // filter design: kaiser window beta parameter
val tpe = 2 // 0: low-pass, 1: high-pass, 2: band-pass, 3: band-stop
val f1N = f1 / sr // normalize frequencies
val f2N = f2 / sr
val fltLenH = (numZero / f1N).ceil.toInt.max(1)
val fltLen = fltLenH << 1
val convLen0 = fltLen + fltLen - 1 // minimum estimate
val fftLen = convLen0.nextPowerOfTwo
val chunkLen = fftLen - fltLen + 1
val convLen = chunkLen + fltLen - 1
val g = Graph {
import graph._
import Ops._
val in = AudioFileIn(file = fIn.toURI, numChannels = specIn.numChannels)
val flt0: GE.D = if (tpe == 0) {
// low-pass
GenWindow.Sinc(fltLen, param = f1N) * f1N
} else if (tpe == 1) {
// high-pass
GenWindow.Sinc(fltLen, param = 0.5) * 0.5 -
GenWindow.Sinc(fltLen, param = f1N) * f1N
} else if (tpe == 2) {
// band-pass
GenWindow.Sinc(fltLen, param = f2N) * f2N -
GenWindow.Sinc(fltLen, param = f1N) * f1N
} else {
// band-stop
GenWindow.Sinc(fltLen, param = 0.5) * 0.5 -
GenWindow.Sinc(fltLen, param = f2N) * f2N +
GenWindow.Sinc(fltLen, param = f1N) * f1N
val win = GenWindow.Kaiser(fltLen, param = kaiser)
val flt = (flt0 * win).take(fltLen)
val fltF0 = Real1FFT(flt, fltLen, fftLen - fltLen, mode = 1)
// N.B.: the output in `mode = 1` has length `fftLen + 2`
val fltF = RepeatWindow(fltF0, fftLen + 2, (inLen.toDouble / chunkLen).ceil.toLong)
val inF = Real1FFT(in, chunkLen, fftLen - chunkLen, mode = 1)
val convF = inF.complex * fltF
val conv0 = Real1IFFT(convF, fftLen, mode = 1)
val conv = OverlapAdd(conv0, size = convLen, step = chunkLen)
val sig0 = conv.drop(fltLenH).take(inLen)
def normalize(x: GE.D) = {
val buf = BufferDisk(x)
val rMax = RunningMax(Reduce.max(x.abs))
val maxAmp = rMax.last
val gainAmtN = 0.97 / maxAmp
buf * gainAmtN
val sig = normalize(sig0)
AudioFileOut(sig, fOut.toURI, specOut)
val ctrl = stream.Control()
import ctrl.config.executionContext
ctrl.status.foreach { _ => sys.exit() }
Here, convolution was implemented more verbosely via FFT and OverlapAdd
ugens. You can greatly
simplify the program
by using the Convolution
ugen instead:
val flt = flt0 * win
val conv = Convolution(in, flt, kernelLen = fltLen)
For more examples, browse the 'test' sources. Also see the API Documentation.
Scala.js limitations
The following UGens are currently not available under Scala.js:
(high priority to get it working)Fourier
(file based long FFT; regular FFT is available)ResampleWindow
- early blog post: https://sciss.github.io/rethinking-fscape/
- future versions may take some lessons from the Patterns project, namely
to use typed streams instead of the opaque
. Currently,GE
can "hide" different element types such asDouble
. This may create confusing behaviour with regard to some arithmetic operators, and also it makes it unclear what the underlying type may be. Secondly, the notion of resettable programs is introduced by Patterns and may provide a powerful application in FScape, too. Thirdly, we may want to create a bridging mechanism between the two, so that one can use patterns for low throughput symbols, take advantage of the powerful collections-style operations in Patterns, while using FScape for the actual DSP signals. - usually, for filtering UGens, the first argument or "left inlet" is "hot", meaning that the UGen will
run for as long as this input provides samples, whereas other arguments / inputs may terminate earlier,
and usually their last value is kept internally. Some UGens have multiple hot inlets, such as
, so thata + b
behaves exactly asb + a