quadas / rapidstring

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

A faster Scala string interpolation replacement

Scala versions: 2.12 2.11

RapidString Travis

RapidString is a faster Scala string interpolation replacement. It is inspired by Fastering (https://github.com/Atry/fastring). Some code is copied from Fastring.

How to use it

RapidString uses string interpolation syntax.

import com.quadas.rapidstring.RapidString._
def poem() {
  val f = "forgotten"
  val m = "machinery"
  rapid"My mouth is snow slowly caking that stiff pigeon. My mouth, the intricately moist $m of a plant. I have $f if I ever had a mouth"

It's extremely fast

[TODO] benchmark


Put these lines in your build.sbt if you use Sbt:

resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("quadas", "maven")
libraryDependencies += "com.quadas" %% "rapidstring" % ""

See https://bintray.com/quadas/maven/rapidstring/ if you use Maven or other build systems.