qonceptual / sbt-pmd-plugin   1.0.21

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Plugin to run PMD in sbt.

Scala versions: 2.10
sbt plugins: 0.13


This project provides an SBT 0.13 plugin for running PMD over source files. For more information about PMD, see https://pmd.github.io/.

This plugin uses version 5.1.3 of PMD.


Add the following lines to project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("com.qonceptual.sbt" % "sbt-pmd-plugin" % "1.0.2")

Running PMD

sbt pmd

Configuring PMD to Run Before Tests

test in Test <<= (test in Test).dependsOn(pmd)


pmdReportFormat: String The PMD Report format output. Supported values that also successfully detect if warnings were found include csv, emacs, text, ideaj, textpad, html, summaryhtml, vbhtml, xml, xslt, and textcolor. Default: text

pmdRulesets: Seq[String] The rulesets to run. Default: Seq("rulesets/java/basic.xml")

pmdFailBuild: Boolean If true, any warnings from PMD will fail the build. Default: true

pmdLanguage: String The language PMD should use. Default: java

pmdLanguageVersion: String The version of a language PMD should use. Default: 1.8

pmdReportFile: File The file where PMD should generate the report. Default: target/pmd-report.txt