pawelkrol / sbt-commtest   0.5


sbt plugin for running CommTest.

Scala versions: 2.12
sbt plugins: 1.0


sbt plugin for running CommTest. This plugin requires sbt 1.x.


Version 0.05 (2019-07-09)


Add plugin to project/plugins.sbt:

resolvers += "Sonatype Releases" at ""

addSbtPlugin("com.github.pawelkrol" % "sbt-commtest" % "0.05")


A sample build.sbt with settings to configure sbt-commtest:

lazy val root = (project in file(".")).
    Defaults.coreDefaultSettings ++ Seq(
      addFiles := Seq("01", "02", "03"),
      mainProgram := "program.src",
      packagerOptions := "-m64 -t64 -x1",
      scalaVersion := "2.12.8",
      startAddress := 0x1000


sbt-commtest assumes the following set of conventions is respected:

  1. Directory structure of a project reflects an example layout:

    ├── ...
    ├── src
    │   ├── main   # Source code files
    │   └── test   # CommTest unit tests
    └── ...
  2. src/main subdirectory consists of source program files (recognised by a .src extension) as well as supplementary include files (identified with an .inc extension). Include files will not be compiled as standalone binaries that become subjects to test, and they will be ignored by a test engine. They are not even expected to compile successfully without a context of their parent program files. On the other hand, all source code files (.src) are compiled and their result binaries may be included in unit tests.

  3. src/test subdirectory consists of Scala unit tests conforming to documented CommTest requirements. There is one exception to those requirements though. Due to the fact that sbt-commtest plugin puts all result files in a target subdirectory, you must refer them from target and not from your source code directory in unit tests configuration. For example, if your src/main subdirectory contains a single source code file to test named program.src, all your test classes will need to specify appropriate references to both output binary and label log files (see CommTest documentation for more details on defining your unit tests) that will be written into target subdirectory during compilation process:

    outputPrg = "target/program.prg" // rather than "program.prg"
    labelLog = "target/program.log"  // rather than "program.log"

Please note that src/main/program.src compiles to target/program.prg, while label log is written to target/program.log. Future versions of this plugin will improve this aspect of setting up your tests in a way that instead of specifying targets explicitly you will only need to indicate a source code file under test.


Start sbt in an interactive mode:

$ sbt

Compile the project:

sbt> compile

Run the tests:

sbt> test

Define the main program file (as a relative path to a directory containing all of your source code files) and specify an initial start address in your build.sbt:

mainProgram := "program.src"

startAddress := 0x1000

In an above example target/program would be created by packaging target/program.prg. Note that the main program file does not need to end with a .src extension (you may not necessarily want to unit test it before packaging), it will be successfully compiled and packaged nonetheless.

Package the program onto a target D64 disk image:

sbt> package

mainProgram setting will also determine a file name of a target D64 disk image (e.g. target/program.d64).

Package the program onto a target hard drive image:

sbt> packageIde64

Execute the program within an emulator (optionally with an additional hardware simulated):

sbt> run
sbt> runIde64
sbt> runPlus60k

Please note that running the program in the IDE64-simulated environment requires a successful build and packaging of an IDE64 hard drive image, i.e. you have to execute the packageIde64 task first.

Delete all files produced by the build:

sbt> clean


CommTest is built on top of CPU 6502 Simulator, which defaults to a very extensive logging configuration. Running tests without applying any modifications to these settings will result in dumping a very detailed processing output to a cpu-6502-simulator.log file.

In order to avoid running out of available disk space quickly it is recommended to minimise the logging output or even turn off logging completely. This is accomplished by creating an appropriately configured src/test/resources/logback-test.xml file. Should you lack an inspiration how to do it, see an example logback-test.xml.


Copyright (C) 2017-2019 by Pawel Krol.

This library is free open source software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Scala itself, either Scala version 2.12.8 or, at your option, any later version of Scala you may have available.