openmole / byte-pack   0.1

Scala versions: 3.x

Byte Pack

Byte Pack is a library to pack and unpack scala case classes into IArray[Byte].

This is intented for:

  • memory hungry application that want to store many case classes into by Array[Array[Byte]]
  • application that want to serialize case classes on disk in efficient manner

The basic operation work as follow:

import bytepack.*

enum En derives EnumMirror:
  case E1, E2

case class Test(i: Int, e: En) derives Pack

// packed length should be 5
val packed: IArray[Byte] = Pack.pack(Test(1, En.T2)

val test: Test = Pack.unpack[Test](packed)

SBT dependency is:

libraryDependencies += "org.openmole" %% "byte-pack" % "0.1"