ngrok / ngrok-api-scala   0.7.0

MIT License GitHub

ngrok API client library for Scala

Scala versions: 2.13 2.12

⚠️ Deprecation Notice

This repository is deprecated and will no longer receive updates.

Feel free to use one of our non-deprecated API clients or fork this repository. Existing forks are listed in Network and Forks.

ngrok API client library for Scala

This library wraps the ngrok HTTP API to make it easier to consume in Scala.


This library is currently unstable and is not at parity with our other client libraries.


This library is published on Maven Central for 2.12 and 2.13 .

If using sbt, add the following dependency:

"com.ngrok" %% "ngrok-api-scala % "[use latest version]"

If using Maven, in your pom.xml file, add:


See the above URL for the latest version of the API client.

Versions of this library are published for Scala 2.12 and Scala 2.13 (the 2.13 version can be used with Scala 3).


All objects, methods and properties are documented with Scaladoc for integration with an IDE like IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse. You can also view the documentation online.

Beyond that, this readme is the best source of documentation for the library.


This class library is published to Maven Central using semantic versioning. Breaking changes to the API will only be released with a bump of the major version number. Each released commit is tagged in this repository.

No compatibility promises are made for versions < 1.0.0.


First, use the ngrok dashboard to generate an API key. Store that in a safe place. Inject it into your application using the environment variable NGROK_API_KEY. The Ngrok() method will pull from that environment variable. If you prefer, you can also pass the API key explicitly.

Create an IP Policy that allows traffic from some subnets

import cats.implicits._
import com.ngrok._

import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._

class Example extends App {
  val ngrok = Ngrok()

    ngrok.ipPolicies.create().flatMap(policy =>
      List("", "").traverse(
        cidr => ngrok.ipPolicyRules.create(cidr,, "allow")

List all online tunnels

import cats.implicits._
import com.ngrok._
import com.ngrok.definitions._

import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.duration._

class Example extends App {
  val ngrok = Ngrok()

    ngrok.tunnels.list().map(printRecursively(ngrok, _)),

  private def printRecursively(ngrok: Ngrok, currentPage: Page[TunnelList]): Future[Unit] = {
        .map(printRecursively(ngrok, _))


Conventional usage of this package is to construct a root Ngrok object using its apply() method. You can then access API resources using that object. Do not construct the individual API resource client classes in your application code.

You can also customize low-level behavior by instantiating the DefaultNgrokApiClient yourself, and then using it to construct the Ngrok instance. If you'd like to use a different HTTP library entirely, you can even implement the NgrokApiClient interface yourself.

import com.ngrok._


import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._

class Example extends App {
  // Create the root api client using an API key from the environment variable NGROK_API_KEY
  val defaultNgrok = Ngrok()

  // ... or create the root api client using an API key provided directly
  val defaultNgrokWithApiKey = Ngrok("my secret api key")

  // ... or create the root api client by customizing the low-level networking details
  val customApiClient = DefaultNgrokApiClient(
    apiKey = System.getenv("NGROK_API_KEY")
    baseUri = Some(URI.create(""))
  val ngrokWithCustomApiClient = Ngrok(customApiClient);

  // Clients for all api resources (like ip policies) are acccessible via methods on the root client
  val policy = Await.result(defaultNgrok.ipPolicies.get(policyId), 1.second)

  // Some api resources are 'namespaced' through another method
  val circuitBreaker = Await.result(defaultNgrok.pointcfgModule.circuitBreaker.get(endpointConfigId), 1.second)


All list responses from the ngrok API are paged. All list response objects implement the Pageable trait, and are wrapped in a Page class, which has a next() method. Calling next() will asyncronously request the next page. If no next page is available, an empty Option will be returned inside the Future.

import com.ngrok._
import com.ngrok.definitions._

import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.duration._

class Example extends App {
  val ngrok = Ngrok()

  val credentials = Await.result(
    ngrok.credentials.list().flatMap(gatherRecursively(ngrok, List.empty, _)),

  private def gatherRecursively(ngrok: Ngrok, credentials: List[Credential], currentPage: Page[CredentialList]): Future[List[Credential]] {
    val updatedCredentials = credentials ++
        .map(gatherRecursively(ngrok, updatedCredentials, _))

Error Handling

All errors returned by the ngrok API are serialized as structured payloads for easy error handling. If a structured error is returned by the ngrok API, this library will return a failed Future containing a NgrokApiError.

This object will allow you to check the unique ngrok error code and the http status code of a failed response. Use the errorCode property to check for unique ngrok error codes returned by the API. All error codes are documented at There is also an isErrorCode() method on the exception object to check against multiple error codes. The httpStatusCode property can be used to check not found errors.

Other non-structured errors encountered while making an API call from e.g. networking or serialization failures are not wrapped in any way and will bubble up as normal.

import com.ngrok._
import com.ngrok.definitions._

import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}

class Example extends App {
  val ngrok = Ngrok()

      name = System.getenv("NGROK_DOMAIN"),
      description = Some("example domain")
      case Success(_) =>
        println("Successfully reserved domain.")

      case Failure(error: NgrokApiError) if error.isErrorCode("NGROK_ERR_402", "NGROK_ERR_403") =>
        println("Ignoring invalid wildcard domain.")

      case Failure(error: NgrokApiError) =>
        val errorCode = error.errorCode.getOrElse("unknown")
        println(s"API Error ($errorCode): ${error.message}")

      case Failure(error) =>
        println(s"Other error: ${error.message})

Datatype Overrides

All datatype objects in the ngrok API library are case classes, which properly override equals() and hashCode() so that the objects can be compared. Similarly, they override toString() for more helpful pretty printing of ngrok domain objects.

Sync / Async Interfaces

Each API client operation returns a Future[T] and is asynchonous. If you require a synchonous call, you can wrap the return value in Await.result().