This project is part of Transfer Digital Records. It provides tools for working with the consignment database:
- Database migrations
- Scala code generation
- Add a sql file to
with a prefix ofV\d__something.sql
The name of the migration should use snake_case, e.g. V123__add_date_column_to_series_table, because Flyway expects this format when it generates the migration name.
To see the list of migrations detected and ensure that your migration will be run, run sbt flywayInfo
To ensure that nothing has been changed accidentally, run sbt flywayValidate
To run migrations locally, run sbt flywayMigrate
To undo what was done by the migrations, run sbt flywayClean
Running locally from the jar reproduces how the lambda functions on AWS.
This can be useful for testing changes and debugging issues.
To do this:
- Set up locally running Postgres DB:
docker run --name postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=tdr -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -e POSTGRES_DB=consignmentapi -d postgres:{version}
- Adjust the lambda code to point to the locally running DB:
- In the
change the code to:... val url = s"jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/consignmentapi" val flyway = Flyway.configure() .dataSource(url, "tdr", "password") .load() flyway.migrate() } } ... object Main extends App { val lambda: Unit = new Main().runMigration() }
- Add the
value to theapplication.conf
to allow the build to run:host = "localhost"
- Build the jar locally:
sbt lambda/assembly
- Then run the jar either:
- From the command line:
java -jar db-migrations.jar
; or - In Intellij. Running in Intellij allows for debugging of the jar code.
Run the following GitHub actions:
- TDR Deploy Data Migration Lambda: this builds the migration code and deploys it to the Lambda which will run the migrations.
- Run DB Migrations: this runs the latest version of the migrations lambda.
Migrations that have been merged to master will be deployed automatically on the Integration environment, and can be deployed
manually on other environments with the TDR Deploy Data Migration Lambda
GitHub action. The action will:
- Run a lambda which updates the database within that environment.
- Use slick codegen to generate slick files based on the database schema.
- Deploy this code to the S3 release bucket.
The project uses slick-codegen to generate Slick classes based on the database structure.
- Run the
TDR Publish Slick Classes
GitHub action. This publishes a new version of theconsignment-api-db
To use updated schema locally for development, run the following commands:
sbt slickCodegen
sbt publishLocal
This will place a snapshot version of the built project jar in the local .ivy cache folder: $HOME/.ivy2/local/[version number]-SNAPSHOT
Other sbt projects that have this project as a dependency can access the local snapshot version by changing the version number in their build.sbt file, for example:
... other dependencies...
"" %% "consignment-api-db" % "[version number]-SNAPSHOT"
... other dependences...