ScalaJSON - JSON for Scala, currently contains minimal AST
Scala library for the Stripe API
A SBT wrapper around Twitter's bower
Akka streams support for json
Pekko Streams support for JSON via Circe
Obtained versioned assets created by sbt-digest
Cats instances for ScalaCheck data types
Utils for scala
Serve static assets from WebJars
A SBT plugin for Axis/Axis2 to generate java sources from WSDL using WSDL2Java
An sbt plugin to help setup artifact and repository settings for projects within the Apache Foundation
Webmodels is a scala library with a collection of Scala models/constants that are relevant to modern HTTP programming.
Property-based testing for Scala
For kicking off grunt tasks from inside sbt
A RawHeader which can be used for akka-http that allows you to censor the .toString method
Spire wrappers for Json4s