losizm / shampoo   0.2.1

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The YAML library for Scala

Scala versions: 3.x


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The YAML library for Scala.

Getting Started

To get started, add Shampoo to your project:

libraryDependencies += "com.github.losizm" %% "shampoo" % "0.2.1"

The underlying YAML processor is provided by SnakeYAML Engine, so it'll be added transitively.

Lather Up !!!

Reading and writing are powered by the YamlConstructor and YamlRepresenter traits. They convert values to and from YAML, and library-provided implementations are available for handling standard types like String, Int, etc. You must define custom implementations for converting to and from your classes.

import scala.language.implicitConversions

import shampoo.yaml.{ *, given }

case class User(id: Int, name: String, groups: Seq[String])

// Define how to construct User from YAML
given YamlConstructor[User] with
  def construct(yaml: YamlNode) =

// Load YAML mapping
val yaml = Yaml.load("""
  id: 1000
  name: lupita
    - lupita
    - admin
    - sudoers

// Construct and verify
val user = yaml.as[User]
assert(user.id == 1000)
assert(user.name == "lupita")
assert(user.groups == Seq("lupita", "admin", "sudoers"))

// Define how to represent YAML from User
given YamlRepresenter[User] with
 def represent(user: User) =
      "id"     -> user.id,
      "name"   -> user.name,
      "groups" -> user.groups

// Represent and verify
val yamlUser = Yaml.toYaml(user)
assert(yamlUser.getInt("id") == 1000)
assert(yamlUser.getString("name") == "lupita")
assert(yamlUser("groups").as[Seq[String]] == Seq("lupita", "admin", "sudoers"))

Special implementations are available for working with collections. For example, if you define YamlConstructor[User], you automatically get YamlConstructor[Seq[User]]. The same applies to YamlRepresenter[User], which infers YamlRepresenter[Seq[User]].

// Load YAML sequence
val yaml = Yaml.load("""
  - id: 0
    name: root
      - root
  - id: 1000
    name: lupita
      - lupita
      - admin
      - sudoers

// Read YamlSequence as Seq[User]
val users = yaml.as[Seq[User]]
assert { users(0) == User(0, "root", Seq("root")) }
assert { users(1) == User(1000, "lupita", Seq("lupita", "admin", "sudoers")) }

// Or as other Iterables
val userList = yaml.as[List[User]]
val userIter = yaml.as[Iterator[User]]
val userSet  = yaml.as[Set[User]]

// Even as an Array
val userArray = yaml.as[Array[User]]

// Write Seq[User] to YamlSequence
val yamlUsers = Yaml.toYaml(users)
assert { yamlUsers(0).getInt("id") == 0 }
assert { yamlUsers(0).getString("name") == "root" }
assert { yamlUsers(0)("groups").as[Seq[String]] == Seq("root") }
assert { yamlUsers(1).getInt("id") == 1000 }
assert { yamlUsers(1).getString("name") == "lupita" }
assert { yamlUsers(1)("groups").as[Seq[String]] == Seq("lupita", "admin", "sudoers") }

Extracting Values

You can traverse YamlMapping and YamlSequence to extract nested values. The \ extension method makes this clean and easy.

import scala.language.implicitConversions

import shampoo.yaml.{ *, given }

case class User(id: Int, name: String)

// Define how to construct User
given YamlConstructor[User] =
  yaml => User(yaml("id"), yaml("name"))

val yaml = Yaml.load("""
    name: localhost
      - id: 0
        name: root
      - id: 1000
        name: lupita

// Get users array from node object
val users = (yaml \ "node" \ "users").as[Seq[User]]

// Get first user (at index 0) in users array
val user = (yaml \ "node" \ "users" \ 0).as[User]

// Get name of second user (at index 1) in users array
val name = (yaml \ "node" \ "users" \ 1 \ "name").as[String]

And, just as easy, you can do a recursive lookup with \\ to collect values by key.

// Get all "name" values
val names = (yaml \\ "name").map(_.as[String])
assert { names == Seq("localhost", "root", "lupita") }

API Documentation

See scaladoc for additional details.


Shampoo is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2. See LICENSE for more information.