lightbend / sbt-bill-of-materials   1.0.2

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

Create 'Bill of Materials' (BOM) POM files from sbt for consumption in Maven and Gradle.

Scala versions: 2.12
sbt plugins: 1.0


A sbt plugin to generate Bill of Materials (BOM) pom.xml for use with Maven or Gradle.

A BOM for a Scala project may either

  1. reference a single Scala minor version and create a BOM POM per Scala minor version, or choose to
  2. list all its artifacts for their Scala versions in a single BOM POM.

Artifacts that typically appear as libraries should use 1. to ensure dependencies do not mix Scala minor versions.

For frameworks which give the user a pre-defined set of dependencies approach 2. may appear simpler. Lagom has been using approach 2. for many years.


Add the sbt plug-in in project/plugins.sbt

addSbtPlugin("com.lightbend.sbt" % "sbt-bill-of-materials" % <latest>)

Create a BOM per Scala minor version

Create an sbt (sub-)project which will produce the BOM. list the sbt projects to include in the BOM as bomIncludeProjects.

lazy val billOfMaterials = project
    name := "sample-library-bom",
    bomIncludeProjects := Seq(core, nonScala)

Create the BOM pom.xml files with:

sbt +billOfMaterials/publishM2

Create a single BOM for all Scala versions

lazy val billOfMaterials = project
    name := "framework-sample-bom",
    // Just one BOM including all cross Scala versions
    crossVersion := CrossVersion.disabled,
    // Create BOM in the first run
    crossScalaVersions := crossScalaVersions.value.take(1),
    bomIncludeProjects := Seq(core)

Create the BOM pom.xml files with:

sbt billOfMaterials/publishM2

Create a single BOM that includes 3rd party libraries

The bomIncludeModules setting can be used with or without bomIncludeProjects.

lazy val billOfMaterials = project
    name := "framework-sample-bom",
    bomIncludeModules := Seq("com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor-typed" % "2.6.20"),


The license is Apache 2.0, see LICENSE.

Maintenance notes

The Akka team created this plugin to create Maven BOM POMs for parts of the Akka toolkit.

This project is community-maintained. Pull requests are very welcome –- thanks in advance! Contributors need to agree to the Lightbend Contributor License Agreement - CLA before we can merge a contribution.

Lightbend does not offer support for this project.