kinoplan / utils   0.0.41

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

A set of tools that make working with the Scala ecosystem even better.

Scala versions: 2.13 2.12
Scala.js versions: 1.x


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A set of various libraries that encapsulate the methods of working with Scala and the ecosystem to facilitate re-development and use.


You can add a module to your build by adding the following line to libraryDependencies:

"io.kinoplan" %% "utils-${module}" % ${version}

Here is the complete list of published artifacts:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  // base
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-date" % ${version}, // JVM and Scala.js
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-http4s-server" % ${version}, // JVM and Scala.js
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-integration-check" % ${version}, // JVM and Scala.js
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-locales-minimal-db" % ${version}, // JVM and Scala.js
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-logback-config" % ${version}, // JVM only
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-logback-layout" % ${version}, // JVM only
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-scala-logging" % ${version}, // JVM only
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-nullable-core" % ${version}, // JVM and Scala.js
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-nullable-codec-circe" % ${version}, // JVM and Scala.js
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-nullable-codec-tapir" % ${version}, // JVM and Scala.js
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-reactivemongo-base" % ${version}, // JVM only
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-reactivemongo-bson" % ${version}, // JVM only
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-reactivemongo-bson-any" % ${version}, // JVM only
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-reactivemongo-bson-joda-time" % ${version}, // JVM only
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-reactivemongo-bson-refined" % ${version}, // JVM only
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-redisson-core" % ${version}, // JVM only
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-redisson-codec-circe" % ${version}, // JVM only
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-redisson-codec-play-json" % ${version}, // JVM only
  // implicits
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-implicits-any" % ${version}, // JVM and Scala.js
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-implicits-boolean" % ${version}, // JVM and Scala.js
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-implicits-collection" % ${version}, // JVM and Scala.js
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-implicits-java-time" % ${version}, // JVM and Scala.js
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-implicits-joda-time" % ${version}, // JVM only
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-implicits-identity" % ${version}, // JVM and Scala.js
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-implicits-zio" % ${version}, // JVM and Scala.js
  // play
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-play-error-handler" % ${version}, // JVM only
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-play-filters-logging" % ${version}, // JVM only
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-play-reactivemongo" % ${version}, // JVM only
  // zio
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-zio-integration-check" % ${version}, // JVM and Scala.js
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-zio-http4s-healthcheck" % ${version}, // JVM only
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-zio-monitoring-prometheus" % ${version}, // JVM only
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-zio-opentelemetry" % ${version}, // JVM only
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-zio-reactivemongo" % ${version}, // JVM only
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-zio-sttp-opentelemetry-backend" % ${version}, // JVM only
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-zio-sttp-slf4j-backend" % ${version}, // JVM only
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-zio-tapir-server" % ${version}, // JVM and Scala.js
  "io.kinoplan" %% "utils-zio-tapir-opentelemetry" % ${version}, // JVM and Scala.js

You need to replace ${version} with the version of Utils you want to use.


See for more details about how to contribute.


This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.