Template for SBT, Travis-CI and Bintray


This project serves as a template for Scala projects using SBT, with continuous building on Travis-CI and publishing releases to Bintray.

Continuous builds

Will build on most branches (by default, some are excluded by travis) as soon as you push to origin. Building on a non-tag will only test, and not publish.

Creating a release

Release is done via sbt-release plugin

Do sbt "release with-defaults" from command line, or release with-defaults from within sbt. This will create a tag and push to origin, which will trigger another build on Travis, on the newly created tag, publishing that version to bintray.

Alternatively do sbt release to specify other values than the default for release version and next version, like bumping minor or major version.


Put bintray credentials in the file .credentials in the project root. Encrypt it, and add decryption instructions using the travis command line tool:

travis encrypt-file .credentials --add


I was greatly inspired by this blog post: http://blog.byjean.eu/2015/07/10/painless-release-with-sbt.html