hmrc / reactivemongo-test   3.1.0-3-ge5f07cb

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

Test library for reactivemongo

Scala versions: 2.11


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Test library for reactivemongo


Mixing this trait into your spec will trigger test failure if un-indexed queries are executed. This is achieved by activating Mongo's notablescan option before running the spec (and turning it off afterwards).


Include the following dependency in your SBT build

resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("hmrc", "releases")

libraryDependencies += "" %% "reactivemongo-test" % "[INSERT_VERSION]"
  • For Play 2.6.x, 2.7.x, 2.8.x (scala 2.12) use versions 5.x.x-play-26, 5.x.x-play-27, 5.x.x-play-28 respectively
  • For Play 2.6.x (scala 2.11) use versions 4.x.x-play-26