

This application provides a stubs for the following services:

  • Customs Declarations API service - that enables frontend services that use Customs Declarations API with a stub to develop locally without depending on the API.
  • Customs Data Store service - just for the email verification endpoint (no other endpoints are stubbed here)
  • Tariff API

Customs Declarations API service

How to deliver custom notifications


If you send a declaration with specific letter at the beginning of the LRN you can control what notifications you receive.

If LRN starts with:

  • 'B' - Stub will send a 'Rejected' notification (see section below on how to specify what error code is returned)
  • 'C' - Stub will send a 'Cleared' notification
  • 'D' - Stub will send an 'Accepted' and an 'Additional Documents Required' notifications
  • 'G' - Stub will send an 'Accepted' notification
  • 'Q' - Stub will send a 'Query Notification Message' notification
  • 'R' - Stub will send a 'Received' notification
  • 'U' - Stub will send an 'Undergoing Physical Check' notification
  • 'X' - Stub will send a 'Goods Have Exited The Community' notification
  • other letters will invoke default behaviour which is Accepted notification

In addition, if the 2nd character of the LRN is a digit (0-9) you can control the delay in seconds of the notification delivery.

For 'Rejected' notifications it is possible to control what error codes are returned by the stub. If LRN starts with 'BCDS' then the stub will treat the next four digits as the CDS error code you want it to return. Not all error codes are supported, if the code requested is not supported then the stub by default will return a CDS10020 error. Currently supported codes are: CDS10020, CDS12056, CDS12062 & CDS12119

Note that, frontend side, the content of the "Confirmation" page displayed after the declaration submission will be specific only for the following LRN's initials:

  • 'C' - 'Cleared' status (only if an 'Arrived' declaration) => "Declaration accepted, goods have permission to progress" content
  • 'C' - 'Cleared' status (when not an 'Arrived' declaration) => "Your declaration is still being checked" content
  • 'D' - 'Additional Documents Required' status => "Your declaration needs documents attached" content
  • 'Q' - 'Query Notification Message' => "Your declaration is still being checked" content
  • 'R' - 'Received' status => "Your declaration has been pre-lodged with HMRC" content
  • 'U' - 'Undergoing Physical Check' status => "Your declaration needs documents attached" content
  • 'X' - 'Goods Have Exited The Community' status => "Your declaration is still being checked" content

For any other LRN's initial letter the "Confirmation" page will show the "Declaration accepted" page.


The third character can be used to determine the notification response of a cancellation request:

  • 'S' - Stub sends 'Customs Position Granted' indicating successful cancellation
  • Any other letter - Stub sends 'Customs Position Denied' indicated a denied cancellation request


The ID field of Means of Border Transport can determine the response of an amendment request (This field is modified by adding a vehicle ID on /border-transport):

  • 'DENIED' - Return a 'Customs Position Denied' notification to indicate a denied request (Declaration in holding state).
  • 'EXTERNAL AMEND' Return an 'External Amendment' notification to indicate that the "Customs" made a modification to the declaration
  • 'PENDING' - Does not return any notification. Just accept the submission.
  • 'REJECTED' - Return a 'Rejected' notification to indicate a rejected amendment that has errors.
  • Any other value - Return a 'Customs Position Granted' indicating a successful amendment. Note that to receive any sort of 'Amendment' notification the LRN must start with one of 'B', 'C', 'D', 'G', 'Q', 'R', 'U', 'X'.

No Notifications

Sometimes you may wish to test the behaviour of a service when no notifications are returned by DMS.

To achieve this you can set the ID field of Means of Border Transport (This field is modified by adding a vehicle ID on /border-transport) to the value "NONOTIFY". Any submission of a declaration to the stub with this value will suppress any expected notifications from being sent by the stub.

File Upload

This stub also mocks the '/file-upload' endpoint of the Cust Dec API. This endpoint returns fake S3 urls that actually point to the testOnly endpoint '/cds-file-upload-service/test-only/s3-bucket' of the CDS File Upload Frontend service.

The fake S3 bucket urls have to point to a url that is available in the MTDP public zone (to allow the user's browser to upload files to it). This is why fake S3 urls can not point to a endpoint on this service (as it is deployed in the protected zone).

Schema Validation

By default the stub validates all XML payloads it receives with the corrisponding schema. However in performance test scenarios this can slow down the operation of the stub so there is a feature flag to disable the Schema validation work to speed up response times:

sbt "run"

Customs Declarations Information stubbing

    GET    /mrn/:mrn/status

This endpoint returns mocked DeclarationStatusResponse with dynamic EORI and MRN taken from the request. MRN is part of the url, but EORI is taken from Auth service using Authorization token.

    GET    /mrn/:mrn/full

This endpoint returns mocked XML with dynamic EORI, declaration version and MRN taken from the request. MRN nd dec version are part of the url, but EORI is taken from Auth service using Authorization token.

By default the response is successful.

In case you need unsuccessful response to be returned, these can be triggered by providing MRN or EORI as per rules below:

  • ends with '8888' - Not Found (404) response

Customs Data Store service

eMail Address Verification

    GET    /eori/<EORI>/verified-email

This endpoint enables retrieving the email address associated with the given EORI number as long as it is a verified or undeliverable email address.

If the EORI's email address is verified the 200(OK) response's payload is

{ "address":"[email protected]", "timestamp":"1987-03-20T01:02:03Z" }

Or, if the EORI's email address is undeliverable (bounced) the 200(OK) response's payload is:

    "address": "[email protected]",
    "timestamp": "2020-03-20T01:02:03Z",
    "undeliverable": {
          "subject": "subject-example",
          "eventId": "example-id",
          "groupId": "example-group-id",
          "timestamp": "2021-05-14T10:59:45.811+01:00",
          "event": {
                     "id": "example-id",
                    "event": "someEvent",
                    "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
                    "detected": "2021-05-14T10:59:45.811+01:00",
                    "code": 12,
                    "reason": "Inbox full",
                    "enrolment": "HMRC-CUS-ORG~EORINumber~testEori"

otherwise a 404(NOT_FOUND) response is returned.

Note that for any given EORI number ending in 99, the associated email address will always be considered unverified, resulting accordingly in a 404(NOT_FOUND) response. For an EORI number inding in '98', the associated email address will always be considered undeliverable, resulting accordingly in an OK response with the above payload.


Endpoint used by the CDS Exports service to simulate the Tariff API which, given a goods_nomenclature_item_id (a commodity code), responds with a Json payload which identifies the commodity.

    GET    /api/v2/commodities/:id

The given id must be a numeric string of 10 digits otherwise a Not Found (404) response is returned.

If the given id is:

  • '2208303000' - the payload of the OK (200) response is the content of 'conf/messages/supplementary-units-2208303000.json' (supplementary units -> l alc. 100%)
  • '3903110000' - the payload of the OK (200) response is the content of 'conf/messages/supplementary-units-3903110000.json' (no supplementary units)
  • '6103230000' - the payload of the OK (200) response is the content of 'conf/messages/supplementary-units-6103230000.json' (supplementary units -> p/st)
  • '7114110000' - the payload of the OK (200) response is the content of 'conf/messages/supplementary-units-7114110000.json' (supplementary units -> g)

Otherwise, if the last digit of the given id is:

  • '0' or '1' - the payload of the OK (200) response is the content of 'conf/messages/supplementary-units-required.json' (supplementary units -> l alc. 100%)
  • '9' - the response is Not Found (404)

For any other trailing digit, the body of the OK (200) response is the content of 'conf/messages/supplementary-units-not-required.json'


Endpoint used by the CDS Exports service to simulate the secure-message-frontend service's endpoints (that provide partial html components that are displayed in the SFUS service).

GET           /secure-message-frontend/cds-file-upload-service/messages

Call to retrieve the html partial for the user's inbox

GET           /secure-message-frontend/cds-file-upload-service/conversation/:client/:conversationId

Call to retrieve the html partial for a specific message's content

POST          /secure-message-frontend/cds-file-upload-service/conversation/:client/:conversationId

Endpoint to send the form post to of the user's message in reply

GET           /secure-message-frontend/cds-file-upload-service/conversation/:client/:conversationId/result

Call to retrieve the html partial for the reply sent receipt page


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.