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Allows users to view tax profile and communication preferences


The following services are exposed from the micro-service.

Please note it is mandatory to supply an Accept HTTP header to all below services with the value application/vnd.hmrc.1.0+json.

Development Setup

  • Run locally: sbt run which runs on port 8233 by default
  • Run with test endpoints: sbt 'run -Dplay.http.router=testOnlyDoNotUseInAppConf.Routes'

Service Manager Profiles

The service can be run locally from Service Manager, using the following profiles:

Profile Details Command

Run Tests

  • Run Unit Tests: sbt test
  • Run Integration Tests: sbt it:test
  • Run Unit and Integration Tests: sbt test it:test
  • Run Unit and Integration Tests with coverage report: sbt clean compile coverage test it:test coverageReport dependencyUpdates


Task Supported Methods Description
/profile/personal-details/:nino GET Returns a user's designatory details. More...
/profile/preferences GET Returns the user's preferences. More...
/profile/preferences/paperless-settings/opt-in POST Sets or updates the user's paperless opt-in preference settings. More...
/profile/preferences/paperless-settings/opt-out POST Opts the user out of paperless. More...
/profile/pending-email POST Updates the user's email address for pending emails. More...
/apple-pass GET Returns an encrypted pass that allows a user to store a nino in an apple wallet. More...
/google-pass GET Returns a JWT token that allows a user to store a nino in an google wallet. More...


All the above endpoints are accessible on sandbox with /sandbox prefix on each endpoint, e.g.

    GET /sandbox/profile/accounts

To trigger the sandbox endpoints locally, use the "X-MOBILE-USER-ID" header with one of the following values: 208606423740 or 167927702220

To test different scenarios, add a header "SANDBOX-CONTROL" to specify the appropriate status code and return payload. See each linked file for details:

Task Supported Methods Description
/sandbox/profile/personal-details/:nino GET Acts as a stub for the related live endpoint. More...
/sandbox/profile/preferences GET Acts as a stub for the related live endpoint. More...
/sandbox/profile/preferences/paperless-settings/opt-in POST Acts as a stub for the related live endpoint. More...
/sandbox/profile/preferences/paperless-settings/opt-out POST Acts as a stub for the related live endpoint. More...
/sandbox/profile/pending-email POST Acts as a stub for the related live endpoint. More...
/sandbox/apple-pass GET Acts as a stub for the related live endpoint.


Version of API need to be provided in Accept request header

Accept: application/vnd.hmrc.v1.0+json


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License