agent-client-management Frontend

aka "Manage who can deal with HMRC for you" or "Manage your tax agents" (MYTA)

Build Status

What the service does

Provides a client side view of agent authorisations, accessed from a link in BTA or PTA.

They can:

  • view their history of past relationships and any active ones
  • remove an active authorisation for a specific agent and MTD service
  • go to agent-invitations to accept/decline pending invitations

This allows the client to manage their agent(s) access to client data, and consent to act on their behalf with HMRC for a given MTD service.

Currently this service supports the following services:

  • ITSA, including alternative ITSA (client does not need to be registered for ITSA)
  • Personal Income Record
  • Capital Gains Tax on UK property account
  • Trusts or Estates (taxable and non-taxable)
  • Plastic Packaging Tax

Running the tests

sbt test it:test

Running the tests with coverage

sbt clean coverageOn test it:test coverageReport

Running the app locally

sbt run

It should then be listening on port 9568

browse http://localhost:9568/manage-your-tax-agents


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License