heuermh / adam-plugins   0.19.0

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

External plugins in Java and Scala for ADAM: Genomic Data System. Apache 2 licensed.

Scala versions: 2.11 2.10


NOTE: The ADAM plugin API was removed in bigdatagenomics/adam#1065.

This project will no longer be updated.

External plugins in Java and Scala for ADAM: Genomic Data System. Apache 2 licensed.

###Hacking adam-plugins


To build

$ mvn install

Running adam-plugins using adam-submit

$ cp target/adam-plugins_2.10-0.19.1-SNAPSHOT.jar $ADAM_DIR
$ cd $ADAM_DIR

To run the plugins in this repository via the ADAM command line, add the jar to the classpath with the Spark --jars argument.

Note the -- argument separator between Spark arguments and ADAM arguments.

Run plugins

$ ./bin/adam-submit \
      --jars adam-plugins_2.10-0.19.1-SNAPSHOT.jar \
      -- \
      plugin com.github.heuermh.adam.plugins.CountAlignments \

$ ./bin/adam-submit \
      --jars adam-plugins_2.10-0.19.1-SNAPSHOT.jar \
      -- \
      plugin com.github.heuermh.adam.plugins.CountAlignmentsPerRead \